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yer i have cut a couple of times

i did it out of depression a couple of times, but also curoisty

with a knife, blades thats bout it..??


i liked the little scars, dont get me rong i HATED the guilty feeling that i did it, but i liked the little scars on my arms,

but then i did it with a knife and i can hardly remember why or what i did. i woke up in the morning and i had about 10 big, fat, red,ugly, long, HORRIBLE scars on my arm. they were scary & disgusting, i felt horrible and like a failure, i felt almost dirty. they were so stupid and pointless....i hated them...i hated the thoughts and the look..i havent done it since and never will.



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do i- yes

how- safety pin, knife, and used a plastic fork at school once so i wouldnt cry during lunch. use finger nails when im just a bit pissed.

where- arms

why- usually depressed, hating myself,pissed at something and/or mom, let emotional pain out, i havent done it in a while, or to stop me from getting sad again.

i dont really cut, its mostly scratch so it wont leave scars and i get busted. plus i already i have enough scars on me- not self inflicted.


and i hate it when people do it for attention and when people see it and are like "O my god, why did u do that? are you ok? your gonna scar etc" just shutup already.

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I cut, occasionally....with sharp scissors, left forearm. And I'm the last person you would expect to do it too.

I'll probably stop soon, but I just have to get it out someway. And I dont do it cause I want to rebel against the world or my parents or anything, my parents are great...I....I just get so angry at myself...I just get so disappointed with me. I do bad things, and..........its like I punish myself.....it I hurt and punish myself then they cant get mad at me, or punish me because in my head I've done it already. Its bad I know, but in my head sometimes I think its what I deserve.......to sting.


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Well yes, i do do it, usually using the thin razors i get from taking apart those gilette razors.. why, well, because of anger, depression, self-hatred, pretty much everything which happens in my life, just builds up anger inside me. My personality is such that i dont like to hurt others, i rarely get angry at others, shout, or anything like that, i usually just stay quiet, and hide the anger. It builds up, and then i cut myself to release it.

I usually cut myself at the left wrist, cutting over the scar which has been there since i started.. main reason why i always wear a Biffy Clyro wristband (also Biffy Clyro are amazing

Although, I've pretty much stopped lately, letting the anger out in other ways, usually meditation (no, im not religious, but i enjoy altering my own mind, and just blanking out everything is very relaxing, and can help with deep anger and pains)


About your friend, i cant really tell you what to do, some people want to be confronted about it, so they can speak their heart out to the person, explaining their problems, crying, and just letting it all out.. whereas others dont, and can get quite aggressive if you push them too much. I would just tell them that your there for them if they ever need someone to talk to, not much else you can do.




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yes, i used to cut myself. at one point i was clean for 6 months, wow. ive been clean now for about 2, we have our relapses. Self injury in my opinion is jsut as much an addiction as alcohol and drugs. you only do it once in a while for big things, but then you do it more and more for the littlest things. then you're at the point you're doing it for no reason at all just because you're bored or its something to do. its just a different way of coping with things, some use sex, drugs, alcohol, or food. yet self injurer's are viewed differently because we do it intentionally and cause physical wounds and bring it upon ourselves. it's difficult to understand i know but its good that you're at least trying to. cheers lovely.

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i cut and i wish i never started cuz now its rele hard to stop. I cut with a scissors or nethin sharp that i can find. i usualy would cut my left wraist and a little below it....i've also have cut my shin. Cutting can become very addicting so its better to stop as so as you/they can. i regret everytime i cut but yet i dont seem to realize what i've done until i start bleeding. right now im trying to figure out how to quit. stick with your friend and see if u can get them to talk about it with you cuz it will help her even though she may not think it will. oh for your other question the reason why i cut is because im depressed, angry, worried, even paranoid any little thing seems to cause me to cut and even if i wasnt feeling one of the things that i said above i did it cuz i was bored cuz the addiction was getting to me. but the reasons are different for everyone. i hope this helped



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where did the idea of cutting first come? (anyone else can also answer this). I have felt very very angry before, and verry very hurt, but i have NEVER considered cutting or hurting myself. Thought just never crossed my mind. So where does the idea of releasing pain through cutting come from? From friends? From media? Where does the idea first come from?

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you should not be afraid to be who you are and express yourself. holding things in is like holding a beach ball under water. the pressure just builds and builds. i think your self injury tendencies will decrease if you realize taht you are perfectly ok and its alright to be who you are. don't be afraid to express yourself. but if you do cut, please don't cut near your wrists and be very careful! you dont need to go deep either. there are other places on your body that will do the same thing. please msg me if you ever want. tak ecare


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Yes, I do cut, when I first did it, about 2 and a half years ago I used one of those Vitorinox multiuse thingies, the razor or the scissor. My father had just died and it was like I just wouldn't cry, everyone around me was falling apart and I remained cold hearted in the face of the events, I only cried at the funeral, but not before or after.

When my friends tried to talk to me I told them to go to hell and forbid anyone from school to go any of the ceremonies or get involved in any way. I bottled it all and went on with my life, I got in an A-list college moved to a big city, made new friends and smiled and laughed and got good grades and cut my wrists before I went to bed.

What can I say, sometimes it's easier to bleed than to cry.

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I've been depressed for about two years now. Before this Summer, I could never understand why anyone would intentionally cut themselves. Then, one day in the Summer, I got so angry and so upset and depressed all at once, that I found myself picking up a nail I found and just digging it accross my under forearm. I also punched a wall so hard that my knucles just started bleeding...then I put my bloody knucles in some cleaning stuff---omg did that burn. But I actually felt better when I decided I'd had enough. It was really weird, and I haven't done it since. But it was then that I understood the concept and gained a "sense" of respect for those people suffering from this problem. I guess I should be thanful that it was just a cut on the wrist and not a slit in the throat or something.



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Yes, I've cut for about two years. How? Usually I'll use a pocketknife, or a shard of broken glass, or whatever's handy at the time. I cut because it makes everything easier. I don't need to cry, or yell, or get angry because I know that all I have to do is bleed and everything will be better. Mostly I cut on my hips, or upper arms, or sometimes my stomach. Only one person has noticed scars, thanks to Mederma. (That stuff really works)


Some people cut as a cry for help, hoping someone will see and they'll be able to let out everything. Others just do it for the realease and the clarity, and don't really want anyone to know or care. I'm more the second type myself- I haven't really tried to quit. It varies from person to person.

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Ok so everyone says stop, STOP! But I don't want to, in fact I don't think I will for a while, it's just so easy and it feels so damm good to let go...

Today I made an appointment with a therapist to try and find a way around the depression because just willing it to go away doesn't seem to work, nobody knows a thing, and I'll probably tell the psycilogist about my cutting, but I know I won't stop.

It's like the only thing keeping me sane rigth now and maybe if things get better I'll no longer feel the need to and it'll stop on it's own, but if the guy tries to pressures me to stop the cutting I'll probably stop the therapy instead.

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