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Where is this going...?

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To update on it , I did call her in the end, we spoke for about 10 mins, it was nice to talk again, I told her after in a txt that I would call again and i enjoyed chatting to her.


I did call the next time 2-3 days after, she never answered I left a message on her voice mail but nothing back since. I said to her it would be nice to meet again.

Im really thinkin of just freezing her out, and be done with it, im sure she will send a txt in the near future, but If i told her to leave me alone, wondering what she would say.

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hello nokia,


If I was you I'd be honest with this girl and tell her exactly what you want. If you want a relationship then be honest and tell her, if you don't, then again tell her. At least this way you will know where you stand.


good luck with whatever you decide.

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I wouldn't suggest 'shutting her out' because you might be missing a chance at a good relationship if she likes you back but is just shy/busy. It seems like you're more successful with text messages, maybe next time you see her on ask her about the call, say you really enjoy your time together & wanted to know how she'd feel about getting together again sometime..I don't know, something like that. Then see how it goes on the date & decide where you want to go from there..if she likes you only as a friend or more..

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