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Cant ignore this gut feeling for ex...


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Hi all... Hopefully this is the right forum, if not please move..

Majority of the back story can be found in the break up section...

Ive been really working on coming to terms with all that has happened between me and my ex the last few weeks.. While im overall feeling better and coming to terms, I simply cant shake my gut feeling/instinct that everything will be alright between us at some pt? I know this isnt really heathly because if it doesnt turn out then ill likly only fall again and harder...


I just dont know what to do with it? I mean all along in our relationship everything told me this was right, go for it/its meant to be, etc...

We always had a weird connection to where we would txt/call each other as the other was attempting to do the same...it was odd but cool..


I've had several dreams here on the in between of us set in the future... loving and laughing doing things, or out in my back yard w/ little kids running around( no faces so not sure if they were ours) etc...


I just scheduled a meeting w/ well known and respected psychic/medium in my area... I dont know if its going to really give me any answers but ill give it a shot.

Anyone been in a similar state??

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Hi Polarbear00,


I have the same feeling with my ex. We've broken up twice already, but I just have that deep gut feeling that things will still happen between us the way I've always picture them to. I don't like the feeling because I just want to let go and move on, but I can't get rid of that feeling.

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