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The Cat's Tale

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The Cat's Tale


A meowing from outside, so I went to see

The neighbour's cat brought a gift to me

A poor little kitten, a few days old

Little sad eyes and shivering with cold.


I wasn't surprised, as this had happened before

But I always took them back to the neighbour's door

They took them and tomorrow they would give them away

So this time this kitten was here to stay


At least 'till it was old enough to be found a new home

I had a cat allergy, so couldn't have one of my own

Days turned to weeks, little Mindy put on weight

She made me smile, she made me laugh, this little cat was ...great


Over a year later she's still here with me

I just couldn't let her go, you see?

Black & grey stripes, little paws of white

For a half-starved, frozen kitten, she's turned out all right


Turns out, little Mindy the cat is allergic to fish

She lives well on the chicken pieces put in her dish.

Me? I'm on allergy pills every single day

But I love my cat, and wouldn't have it any other way.

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in the vain of alt.quotations:


There once was a tiger-stripped cat.

This cat died a million deaths.

Revived, and lived a million lives.

During which, he was owned by various people, who he didn't really care for.

The cat wasn't affraid to die.


Well one day the cat became a stray cat, which meant he was free.

He met a white female cat and spent their days together happily.

Well time passed and the white cat grew weak and died of old age.

The tiger-stripped cat, cried a million tears.

And he died too.

Except this time... He didn't come back to life.


--Spike from Cowboy bebop referencing "The cat who lived a million times" by Yoko Sano

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