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I fell in love with this girl who is my best friend

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here's the story... Last summer, I fell in love with this girl. She's my best friend. When I reveiled my feelings to her back then, she said she didnt want to take our relationship further than just friendship. man, was it hard to forget her but I did. it took me like a month or two to completely forget her. anyways...then, a month ago, she told me she fell in love with me and wanted to be more than just friends. Like an idiot, I said that I wasnt sure and wanted to leave things as they are but my feelings could change and only time could tell. Next thing I know, three weeks later, i went out with her but when i went home, i couldnt stop thinking about her and i felt a huge something for her and realized that i wanna be with her and that it could be the chance of my life. so i called her and told her how i felt. she told me she was so happy to hear me say that i was falling for her again. but...the next day she told me that she was confused and didnt know what she wanted anymore. this really broke my heart. i asked her if it was a bad timing situation for us again and she said she doesnt know and she doesnt want to talk about it and needed to think about it. we never brought up the subject again... its been 3weeks now. I've been thinking about this every minutes of every day. my feelings for her are stronger than ever... but she seems like she doesnt care about our situation. she's acting as if nothing ever happened between us. when we speak to each other, it's like she never had feelings for me and i never had feelings for her. its like instead of thinking about it, she's avoiding it. should i like...bring up the subject...or should i still wait for her? i know it's been long to read...i apologize for that but i really want you guys to help me out here... thanks in advance

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You both are best friends, right? thereforeeee, you should be able to talk to eachother when something is on your mind. I recommend face-to-face rather than on the phone. It's much more personable and makes it more difficult to avoid the situation at hand.

Maybe you should think a little before you talk to her as well, and ask yourself what YOU want. Is your friendship really worth risking? Or do you truly believe that if the romantic relationship would end that you'de still be best friends? Just think things through, because there's no sense in asking her what she wants when you don't even know what you want. So make sure you're sure about whatever you decide. Then, speak to her about your feelings! Good luck, buddy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you should make her talk - i agree with lillady898, you should do it face to face - then she can't avoid you or deviate so easily. She KNOWS what's she's doing to you, and she's voluntarily messing you around - but the phonecall suggests she is genuinely interested, just scared of the implications of you two becoming an item...


All you can do is ask


Good luck!

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