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a girl in class

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Yea, get her number first, and if she gives it to you, she's obviously interested so ask her out for a casual cup of coffee or something. Or even after class, once you talk to her a little bit more and get to know her of course, ask her if shes doing anything and if she says nothing right now tell her lets go grab some lunch or something. Totally casual. Anyway, I think you should go for it because you only live once and it would suck to live the rest of your life thinking what if. Plus even if she turns you down all you did was ask her to have lunch with you, right??? You weren't asking her to marry you or anything, so I see no reason not to.

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i have heard from alot of people that asking the girl out is the best thing. THough i think that you should get to know the girl first. she will be more comfortable and so will you asking her. you may not feel nervous yet but i know i was when the words come out. so talk to her more. talkin to her more make your chances of her saying yes a whole lot more.

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hey thank you all for replying, it clear out some things. i have another question, i know you guy probly heard this a lot but yeah, here's one more. how would you know if a girl have interest towards you, that girl in my class would smile or laugh at what i say i this one time i asked my fried for candy and she didn't have it, she (the one i like) suddenly digged in her backpack and tap me on the shoulder and gave me one. i know those are nothing, she might just be nice. but what do you guys/girls think? tnx.

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