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Best ways to attract a person


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Try stopping all the other gimmicks and being yourself....most girls just like it best if you can make them laugh


Agreed! Just be yourself, and be confident and happy in yourself. Every girl is different and are attracted to different things, and so there is no surefire way to attract a woman. But no matter what, they have to like you for who you are, and so your best bet is to be yourself!

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I heard numerous ways on how to attract a women, but so far i've no such luck with any of them. Any other ideas?




Have you considered purchasing artificial human pheromones? That might give you an edge/boost as far as physical attraction goes. Then of course comes personality and emotional attraction.

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Have you considered purchasing artificial human pheromones? That might give you an edge/boost as far as physical attraction goes. Then of course comes personality and emotional attraction.


I think purchasing artificial human pheromones might be going alittle far, then i'll just find myself believing that it took something else to make a person want to learn more about me than just having a common interest or a spark of intelligence.

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