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Different Types of Sex?

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this really has nothing to do with me, i've never even had a date, but on my bus someone asked if regular or butt sex is better for the first time your having sex. i have no clue what butt sex and if there's any other kinds? could you please help me understand? i'm old enough to hear everything, don't you worry

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There's no point in going into detail, but normal sex is definitely definitely the way to start. Butt sex is kinda contentious, and you don't want to go down that road til you're comfortable with yourself and your partner. That make take years, by the way, or it may never happen with that person. It's overrated anyway.

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Its kinda obvious what butt sex is, is it not?


If its your first time then normal sex all the way.


The above post sums it up well. Whether u think its overated or not is upto u. I enjoy both, but others will disagree, its all personal preference.


and whatever u do in the future, don't try anal without permission, otherwise u are going to get a very painful slap

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Most anuses won't take a regular (or larger) sized penis without a large degree of pain.


Defiantly start with regular sex, but you don't need to worry about that for a few more years, yes your old enough to hear about it since your curious but doesn't make you ready: P

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Hey fellow CT-er. Well really, there's 3 types of like, considered actually "sex" (excluding any kissing, feeling, fingering that ome might consider part of it). There's oral, intercourse, and anal. Anal is the "butt sex" and it's kinda obvious. Intercourse is normal sex (aka where babies come from lol). Oral involves the mouth and that's all I'm gonna say. Exactly how old are you? Seeming how we started taking health in 6th grade...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


Well, I posted asking about anal sex. But it's because I want to give anal sex to my girlfriend (yes, we have been together for years and we have engaged on other sexual acts). I want to know how many ladies like it and how many say it's not good. I heard heterosexual anal sex is a common practice in some countries. So, since I've tried so many things already, I'm excited because I will try a new one. But I don't want to rush into something I really don't know about. So, can any girl tell me that they like it? I know all girls are different, but I want to know...

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