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It has been a little over six months since we had any contact with each other, am I over you? How do you know when you are over somebody? Is time the only indicator? Am I over you if I still think about our time together? Am I over you if I still remember your number and want to call you? Am I over you if I still mentioned the times that we used to spend together to my friends? Am I over you if I sit here and question myself whether or not I am over you? Am I over you if I sit here and wonder what you are doing, how you are doing, your whereabouts, how you are and stuff like that? Am I over you if I still wonder about "what ifs" sometimes when I think about us upon a time ago?


How do you know when you are truly over someone?


And how do you know when you are truly over someone and ready to start a brand new relationship?


Any advice gals and guys?

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If you're still doing all of that, then you're not over them. Being over someone means not thinking about them, or caring about what's going on in their life. When you're over someone there's no question about it, you just know. And if you're telling a story that involves your ex because it's funny or adds to the conversation, then that's fine, but if you're reminiscing about old times, you are not over them. The phone number thing doesn't matter though, i still remember my girlfriend's number from a few years ago for some reason, but i have no urge to call her.


When you're not thinking/caring about them anymore is when you're ready for a new relationship. When you can devote all your thoughts to a new person without being distracted by someone from the past, that's when you're ready.

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