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sometime sex sounds a lot like love...

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Sometimes Sex sounds a lot like love, but it's not.



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"I want you"

Doesn't mean

"I want to give my life to you"


"I need you"

Doesn't mean

"I'll be here for you"


"You're gorgeous"

Doesn't mean

"I love you for who you are"


"Look how happy we are"

isn't the same as

"I'll be content with you 50 years from now"


"It feels Good"

Doesn't mean

"I want you to feel good about yourself when it's all over"


"I'll be gentle"

Doesn't mean

"I care about your feelings"


"It's so good, I want it now"

Doesn't mean

"It's so good, I'm willing to wait for it"


Sex is not the same as love no matter how similar they sound.

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You're AWSOME! Words of Wisdom! Can anybody phrase it better than that? I think that talk is cheap. It's usually the actions that count for 'love.' I don't mean the physical factor either. I mean, actions, being spontaneous, doing spontaneous, and special things as a reminder to tell your partner how much you love them. This goes for both men and women. We can hear a 1000 words, and numerous compliments, but in the end, it's the 'actions' that count, the little things that ignite that 'passion' and full sincerity of the quality of a relationship.


What you mentioned above, sounds very much like what my ex said to sweet talk me off of my feet. Unfortunately, when we're in love, our lack of rationality gives into those sweet words. Although I wished he truly meant it, I don't understand why things didn't work out in the end. But, once again, you're right, love is love. What if a person becomes a quadriplegic, and suddenly couldn't feel the pleasures of sex? Would that mean that the person cannot feel love? In that case, should his partner leave him, because that person can't feel that 'same' kind of love, the physical part: sex? Of course not, right? Love surpasses all.


I think that far too often, nowadays, (at least in the lifestyle of where I live), people take for granted of the 'true' meaning of love. It's as if they compensate it for petty lies, and materialistic possessions, as a way to show love. I get sick of the fact that people (I think for the most part, people in my area, maybe I'm a blacksheep) are so shallow these days, that they're so into themselves! I guess that comes along with the lfie the rich people, in which I don't understand. Of course, cuz I'm not rich myself! Hehe!


I've seen rich folks do petty things, like buying love, or using 'sex' as a way to maintain a certain image for love. I see women and little teens, buying these cheap panties, thinking that they'll impress their boyfriends (I'm not dissing Victoria's Secrets. I love cute lingerie too. But don't go out of my way to look trashy, or revealing like some chicks in my area). I guess it's just peer pressure. It makes me want to pull out my hair. They walk around the malls, chit chat on their cell phones. Talk all fake. Act like snobs. Dress like prostitutes. Tall all 'superficial,' and what do they do? Turn around and buy these cheap, raunchy looking underwear (or lack of, V-strings). Allow it to hang out of their pants or skirts in order to attract the 'wrong impression' in order to impress guys, who can care less about them, other than winning a 'lucky piece of meat' for the night. I'm sorry. I just know a few girls personally, who do this, and I don't see the value, or rationality behind these young ladies engaging in meaningless sex to find love, attract the 'wrong' attention. In the end, they're bound for heartache. Yet, they don't learn their lessons. You wonder why divorce rates are so high. It's disturbing to see how they're so fixated on shallow and clueless values, hence, the lifestyle that ultimately focuses in the lack of 'true' love!


Just babbling, and my opinion. I agree. Yes, there is a fine line between lust and love. Sex is sex. Love is love. However, if sex and love are combined, I think it's important to realize that this is possible, only if both partners truly love each other, and are willing to show it, and back it up through their 'actions.' I remember this statement from a previous thread, by one of the previous posters in which he mentions: Women give sex to get love, and Men give love to get sex. I think that in this case, it's the premature part of the relationship: 'infatuation.' However, through trials and turbulations, both partners can truly love each other, share that phsyical intimacy, and truly say that they do love each other. It's a matter of working through the different stages of a relationship. Hope this made sense! Mandy, I love reading/replying to your posts. They're keep me interested, and give me something that's worth thinking about!


Hasta Luego!


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Hey Mahlina,

You're such a sweetheat, you're always so encouraging. Thanks! Well I wish I wrote that, but it's actually a poem out of a Christian girls magazine for teenagers! I thought it was just awesome because I find sometimes myself getting confused between the two. It's been almost 2 years, and my bf and I hadn't had sex yet, then one night we slipped once and we almost ended up sleeping together. I allowed myself to believe that if I loved him I would sleep with him. But that's so stupid! Especially considering the way he treats me- nothing short than a princess! He'll walk a mile to get me sour skittles just because I mention that I'm craving them. (And twice in the rain). He's just amazing and there's nothing about him that should make me feel pressured to "show my love" by having sex with him. Do I want to? Of course!!! Not because I feel pressured to, but because we're in a serious, committed relationship that's heading towards marriage and it's that much easier to justify. But I have to consider- if we break up, and we end up giving our virginity to one another, apart from the emotional connection we'll always have, our bodies will always be connected. I'll never forget him, and will never stop being devastated that I gave my everything to someone who didn't last. I guess that's why I'm so paranoid about waiting until marriage, because until you're at the alter, nothing's final. Anyways, something to think about. I hear you about the young girls and how they dress now a days, hello parents! You're daughter's being gawked at by 40 year old men, maybe it's time to be a loving parent and regulate what they're allowed to wear. (My parents were SO strict about what I wore and I'm glad because in the end I had WAY more self respect for my body and for whom I gave my heart to.) My body wasn't handed out on a silver platter everytime I went out to a pack of wolves because I always dressed modestly. And that saved me from A LOT of real slime balls whom I sure would have loved to try to sweet talk me. But it's true what they say, out of sight out of mind!

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What a truthful, and great poem/quote thing, im going to copy and paste it! If only some of the really young people on this forum would believe it!!!!


I'm a virgin, so really I dont know, but I truly believe that sex, lust and love can all combine, and that is what 'making love' with a person is all about. But you cant just do it with anyone, and I think that when I'm ready, I will just know.




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Mandylee you did a good thing when you opened many eyes to what is sex & what is love. Sex is good but you don't give it away like popcorn. Sex will diminish in time but love will last growing deeper & stronger. We both were virgins on our wedding night. It was the greatest gift we could give each other. What are you waiting for? You've gone together long enough. It's time you both wed & find out how good & natural & the right thing to do at the right time when you give yourselves to each other.

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