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do i go?


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to help me on this 1 you need to read my origanal post




now since this we have fallen out on the fone, yep i called him, and it went wrong!! now he says he wants nothing to do with me, the thing is, i want to go still to see him, pick up my bits, obviously see if we can work it out, its my last chance, ill never see him again, once i walk away, its over......


i just feel i nee to do this..what have i got to lose!! at the moment ive lost already.


by the way he is in spain, i am in england..so this really would be the last chance.

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Hey Loulou


Dont panic. Nothing is final. You dont need to rush anything ok, this is not your last chance. For evidence of this. Read my threads on here.


Leave things be for a bit. Evaluate your relationship as it was, and then decide weather you think its worth it to travel to a different continent to try and be with this guy.

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He knows you're coming over, right?


Don't go with any expectation of reconciliation. You're obviously going to bring it up as you feel it's last chance saloon, so do it in a calm and collected manner. Smile!

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He knows you're coming over, right?


Don't go with any expectation of reconciliation. You're obviously going to bring it up as you feel it's last chance saloon, so do it in a calm and collected manner. Smile!




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He has told you he doesn't want to see you. I personally would not go. What if he has company? You're gonna get yourself hurt and end up looking like a stalker. If he's stated that he no longer wants anything to do with you it would not be wise to go. As always the choice is yours, and you seem intent on going so let us know how it goes. I hope I'm wrong and it does not end up being a traumatic experience for you.

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thanx formula, i know ure all right im just soo crazy at the mo...cant even bluddy think straight....i dont know how much more of this i can take...been to the docs today, he put me on antidepressents


these exs have got a lot to answer for!! if they brake with us decent its easier to handle it.

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