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Asking a girl out but too shy.

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Why do you have to 'ask her out'? Why not just go up, make small talk, then ask for her phone number? Take it one step at a time...and it keeps things more casual and relaxed if you just get her number...then call her the next day and ask her to coffee with you.

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Well, you haven't given us very many specifics other than the person you are attempting to ask out is female. The first thing to realize is that human beings are impressed with confidence, as as girls are human, having your friend ask one out for you is a bad idea. Call her up saying you would like to do something, (have a plan) and then if she says yes, voila! a date! Don't say "I was wondering if you want to do 'something'" that is not a good idea. Have an idea of what you want to do, and always be completely calm when you are talking to her. Ok, thats all i have to say for now, if you need any more help, go to link removed. They have a great guide for dating, Good Luck.

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OK I get the confidence thing so I will probably end up asking her myself. As for the have a plan thing that's kind of hard. The reason is that there is absolutly nothing to do where I live. We don't even hav a movie theatre in my town and I can't drive. The best thing I can think of it inviting her over to watch a movie or something of the sort.

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Sounds like you live in a rural area? Try something with nature, or athletic. A walk in the park and a picnic is always fun. Fill the time with games like Frisbee.


What do you normally do for fun on the weekends, can you make her part of that?

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sure, you can ask her to see a movie with you, that sounds cool. Or whatever else you guys find interesting..I don't know. Maybe you can get a drive to the movie theatre as well.


On the other hand, a guy recently asked me if I wanted to 'do something' together and I never even really thought of it as asking me out..lol. Is this code words for being asked out? geez..hehe. Yeah, I really am clueless when it comes to this I guess but anyways, she'll probably catch on better than me, especially if you mention something to do together.


take care,



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'do something'


Yea that's a date depending on how confident he looks when he asks... If he is carrying himself with an air of confidence then its probably not a date, but if he seems unsure of himself it is probably a date… Aren't men confusing?

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yeah, well he was sorta in another country, so it was a bit hard I guess but yes, if any guys are listening: do the deed in person!! It helps us out A LOT, things are confusing enough as they are, without you using technology to make it 'easier' for you, harder for us!!






[edit] and he was supposed to contact me by tonight to discuss said 'date' (when we're going to meet) but he never did. so I going with my instinct, and saying it's not. this is why it's important to a) do it in person or b) specify where you're going to go, so you give the impression that it's a date and not just some friendly get-together. Your situation may be different, but since i'm not very close with the guy, i'm assuming the latter is true for me. ehh..oh well. i've already gotten over it, wasn't expecting much anyways, lol.

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OK, great news. I talked to her today and asked her for her email address and she said yes. Now I am going to try to find out some of the things that she likes. Any tips for getting this kind of informaton without sounding too nosey and stuff. Also thanks too all who have posted on here so far you have graetly helped me.

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she wants in a guy, and what a great date to her would be
Might be a bit obvious


It would be easiest to get this information from her when doing real time chatting using AIM, MSN or any other IM program. They are usually better because you can phrase small questions and relate it to something you are doing here and now. Doing it as pen pals will be obvious so try and get her IM addresses.


If your talking movies, use TV and your excuse to ask. Tell her "Hey Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail is on TV, you ever seen it before?" Then go on to asker her what kinds of movies she likes. Then if you feeling brave, ask her in person latter, Hey do you want to see X movie with me? But that's a topic for when your ready.


Do the same thing with what ever you want to know about her. If you don't want her to get suspicious relate it to something so it looks like your being prompted to ask these questions.


Disclaimer: I'm 100% against lying in any form of relationship.

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