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please advise, if you can!!


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my ex broke up with me in oct 09, i pretented id moved on with my life that id changed and it worked 3 mnths later we were back on, i was sooo happy, now what i want to know, if i do the same again could it work to get him back again, o does this stuff only work once?


please dont say move on, i want to get this back on if poss, and this time its my last chance as we live in difffernt countries, ill be there for a week at the end of may, with him, stayin in the same bed, as he lives in a caravan and theres nowhere else to sleep. now he asked me to come back, also i have to collect my things....is there hope?

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i had said i was at college, working, etc... i think thats why he wanted me back, he seen a more confident, strong person while i was living in spain i wasnt working so that caused a lot of clingyness in our relationship, on my behalf, he dint want a weak needy person around him, normal i know....the second time we broke up because he saw guys added to my facebook, i didnt think that would be a problem, cause he had done the same thing for the 1st year we were togehter, also when i would visit him i was moody and huffy his words... but it was because i spent so much time alone due to him working...so he said the thing with the facebook was the icing on the cake

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well when i was there he saw how devastated i was, he finished with me half hour after i got there, i couldnt remember adding a certain guy that was half dressed to my facebook, so so basically when he asked me it was like i was lieing in his face, i was stuck there for 2 weeks as the flights were cancelled, it was hell...we only got back together 6mnths ago and he knew how happy i was, i put my all in to this relationship paid alll the flights etc...

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