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telling a guy...

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well me and him did crew together and we go to different schools... we talked some during the season ans seemed to hit it off... no i like him and want to get to know him even better. We go to different schools and have spoken online since the season (2 weeks ago). So i guess that is the situation and i have his number if that matters also

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Does he act like he likes you, too? Just curious. If you spent a fair amount of time talking to each other, I don't see why you can't ask him to a movie or something. Spend a little more time with him face to face, not just online, before you decide if you like him or not. My advice anyway. Also, if he declines your first invitation, which he probably won't, but if he does, than give it a little time, than ask him to something again. If he still declines, than I would not tell him you had a crush on him. But I bet he takes you up on your invitation! Keep us posted.

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you see though i would like to spend more time face to face but we live like 15 minutes away from eachother... and i am not sure if he likes me and i guess that is what i would like to find out. i don't want to though resort to having like a friend call him up and ask casue it seems like a middle school thing to do...

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If you don't want to call out of the blue, than send him a friendly email, ask him how's he been, what he's up to, how you're spending your summer so far...than casually ask if he'd want to hang out sometime, like check out a movie or something.

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You should be able to find out if he likes you by how he acts around you when you spend time together. No need to use a spy. If you've been talking to him online, then you must know some things he likes to do. Just see if he wants to do one of those things. If you really want to go to the movies with him, if you're good you can try and trick him into asking you. Then you will know that he most likely likes you too. Next time you speak to him just bring up the fact that you really want to see "whatever" movie, but you cant find anyone to go with you. But you're just dying to go. (**hint, hint**) Im willing to bet he volunteers himself on the spot.

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