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I need help quick before it's too late!!

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I need some advice. I go to the same nightclub every week, and there's this guy down there that goes every week too. He's sooooo hot!!! He always goes there with a bunch of his buddies, and just sits there. I've never seen him with a girl. Me and my friends have noticed a lot of girls that go up to him and it looks like they're asking him if he wants to dance, but they always walk away empty handed. I see him smile at me a lot, and I KNOW that he checks me out a lot.


My problem is this: My friends also notice how hot he is, (most of us are single) and the next time we all go down there they are going to do thier best to get him. Should I make a move before my friends do? Or would I look like an idiot in front of my friends if he turned me down like all the rest of them. Or worse, I get rejected and one of my friends gets him!!!

Arghh!!!! I just don't know what to do.....any advice??

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He may just not be a good dancer, or not enjoy it. I go with my friends sometimes to a local dance club, but I an definitly not the dancing type, I'm just there to hang out with my friends. Maybe instead of asking him to dance, you could try just sitting down to talk with him. If he's used to women always asking to dance, this would probably stick out in his mind and maybe help catch his attention.

Best of luck to you.

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