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the air in my face feels so good

see the sidewalk drawing near

you'll all forget me as the crazy one

ThIS is my dying year


memories fill my head right now

as my blood pools on the ground

wondering about what i always searched for-

that something i never found


you all screamed wh_re and psycho

joked about the cuts on my skin

you all came back for me later

to taste my body again


for those of you who "loved" me

who'll reach and scream for me in the dark

i'm sorry to cause your tears to fall

i'm sorry to break your heart


please remember how you made me laugh

those times you made me smile

and every time you're lonely


we'll be together in a little while...



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i wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend...



i like it, i can relate to the feelings it expresses, the searching for something you'll never find and also because it's different, it rages against the unjust while at the same time thanking those that were there and remembering happier moments in time, and i love the way it ends with a little hint of dare and dark humor that's enough to make a lot of people take a wide-eyed step back. it's unique and well-done, and it draws you in, very powerful imagery. excellent.

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tainted_soul, i love your writing bc of its dark humor and difference from the normal flow of writing, so it is a great compliment that you like some of mine. thank you...


under_the_pressure, i'll always care about you, i don't think that could change even if i wanted it to. god, i wish we'd never faded too. it's just another thing that hurts every goddamn day. i wish nothing had ever faded, but everything has...




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Empty-I didn't think you felt that way. I thought I was still holding on to something that wasn't there. I was listening to "Faint" the other day and was thinking about you, well us. We had so much fun those late nights and I know there is still something between us. We should search for it. Jeez, I sound like we are dating..lol. I miss you, alot. I miss talking to you, because really...you are the only one who understands me.



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Under, thanks. Actually the line about us sounding like we're dating made me laugh. I want to be honest with you, so i need to talk to you about Jake if you want to hear it, if you don't want it to be your buisiness thats okay. PM me or talk to me on msn if you want to talk.



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