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hey my gf is going through some major pms. I was w/ her and 1 of her friends and 2 of my friends. She kept yelling at me on the road about my driving. Then when we were all watching a movie i layed on one of the pillows infront of me and she got up and said "STOP BEING A JERK!!!!!!". Everyone looked at her wondering what i did. Yeah cuz i didn't do nething. How do u handle someone on pms? Like if they are yelling at u and such. I would have left her house last night but that would have just been wrong since her friend and my 2 friends were there. NE SUGGESTIONS???????

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Well talk to her friends about this..find out if this is how she gets during that time period if so then I would say just keep your cool and let her get it all out and she'll come around soon and it will be alright..Im sure she'll be very glad to know you didn't leave her when she said all that stuff to you..


Just my two cents



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She seems to have some issues with you that she is having trouble discussing and you need to tell her when an approprate time to talk would be.


Speak to her in a kind tone of voice when she gets angry, because it sounds as if she is easily provolked. Let her talk out her issues, deside if it is something that you can handle on your own or if you need for her to seek medical attention.


PMS should only go for a week or two, so if she is this way 24/7 it would be considered a mood disorder.

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