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help women!!! what should i talk about when......

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girls are really feeling down? what do women wanna hear when they are feeling down?



my g/f atheletic (the way i like them ) but shes feeling really bad because shes on a losing streak but i just wanna try and cheer her up without bringing her down more than she already is. any ideas on a quick way to put a good women in a good mood???

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A pint of Hagen-Daz should do the trick.


ah just kidding, its hard to tell without knowing the person, but I believe doing stuff that you know she enjoys, that will take her mind off of the loosing streek. do not patronize her or give her pity that makes it worse sometimes. just do anything else that makes her feel good about herself.

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Try and do things differently, if you normally would say, good luck, say break a leg or arm or something related to the sport.


Take on the look of a parent and say I know that you can do it! Be really positive, or the opposite, You will never ever hit the ball again ever!


If you norally hug her and kiss her, shake hands and give her a queer what's up look, like you want to be friendly and never have seen her before.


Shake pinkies!

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