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Ive never liked a girl this much b4! But she has a boyfriend

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I dont know wut 2 do!!! Ok there is this girl shes 1 of my friends but wut she dosent know is that ive liked her 4 a while, a long while, she has a boyfriend but i think they mite break up once the summer ends. Shes all I ever think and talk about ive liked her more then any other girl...and im not like other guys i mean most people would just like her just 4 her looks and im not saying i dont enjoy those but i mostly like her 4 who she is...she gr8...but could somebody plzzzzzzz help me i want 2 get the girl of my dreams...these teeanage years suck...SO PLZ SOME1 OUT THERE TELL ME HOW I CAN GET HER!...thnx


"love is the slowest form of suicide"

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I dissagree with the above post. She has a boyfriend, I think its a bad idea to tell her how you feel. What you need to do is find out how she feels about you. There are many ways to do this, but I wouldnt suggest asking her outright.

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If she thinks of you as a friend you will have to be careful. Telling her outright could make your friendship awkward if she dosn't have the same feelings for you. Try and find out how she feels about you. I dont recomend don't telling her outright how you feel about her, wait till she is unattached. Until then stay friends, its tricky but don't get to close or to distant.


Good luck

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