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Well i have been talking like on the phone with this guy for 4 weeks well he is 20 and im 17 well i met him and then i just started callin him well i asked him did he mind me callin and he said no so i kept callin but he would never call me or whatever so the next week my friend asked him so what do u think about me and he said she's kewl and all but when i turn 21 she wont be 18 well his birthday is 10days before mine plus thats a year from now right well after that nite i didnt talk to him the next nite i called him and he called me back so then he starts callin me well after that week then the next one my friend asked him would he take me to the dragstrip and he said maybe u know well he ended up taking me but i didnt think of it as a date i thought of it as a friend thing and when we pulled up i gave him my money and then like he paid for both of us and then like he gave my money back or whatever so i was like ok well he was fixen to leave and he was going to leave me there with some of my friends so i was like your going to leave me and he was like well if u want to go home now come on so i did well he took me home but i asked him was he scared about my parents callin the law on him bc of his age and i got upset bc i thought maybe he didnt want to date me or talk to me anymore well i called him and i asked him what was up does he not want me to call him or whatever so then he said dont jump to conclusions and we have still been talking but im confused bc he doesnt ever ask me to go out or whatever and i cant tell if he likes me or not so i need some advice or what should i do about the situation?Please someone reply and tell me what your advice is!

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Well ... are you really that interested in him?? Do ya think he might be with someone? thats a couple of questions to ask.. I'm not a relationship expert so the advice might not be so good.. think about it.. if he even sounds happy when you call or not

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I can understand your confusion very well and I am sorry to hear that you feel this way.


I do have a suggestion for you: I have a feeling that BOTH of you are more or less insecure persons. I would work on that. First thing to feel more confident is to bring the questions you brought up here to this guy you have been talking to. Are you interested in him? Make him aware of that. Start to touch him while you talk to him and drop some compliments to him. It looks like that he doesn't seem to really know what he wants, either. So try to get it out from him. If you feel confident enough after talking to him and dropping him some compliments, tell him: "Hey, I like you!" and then see what happens. I am sure it's not gonna kill you.

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