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I ended it, but he recontacted me again... what to do?

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i had a short but intense lustful friendship with a married man 6 months ago. didn't take it far with him physically, but it definitely went farther emotionally. i felt that i had found my soulmate and it was hard to let go but i did.


6 months rolled by, and i still think about him, but more in a reflective way, and i'm not strung up on him anymore. BUT, just recently he emailed me to say he was thinking of me. I was shocked. Part of me was pissed that he felt like he had the right to come back into my life.. still being married and all. So I didn't write back.


But just recently, i've been regretting not writing back anything at all. Is it possible to have a friendship with this guy? Did he re-enter my doors with good intentions, or is he lonely and wants me in his life for the purpose of attention seeking.

What do most do when the past re-enters their lives? its been so long, that maybe its possible to start up again with a friendship?? or am i just kidding myself?


help please

need advice

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I'm afraid that you are only kidding yourself. The fact that he would right you and tell you that he's thinking about you shows me that he still is after you so to speak, and from what you have said you intentions wouldn't be platonic for long… if at all. You seem to be trying to give yourself an excuse to get into a situation that you know isn't good for you to be in. If you tell him anything I believe that it should be that you don't want him to try and contact you again.

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