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Festival: Yay or Nay?

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Alright, I'm gonna keep this short. In a couple of weeks, there is gonna be a festival in my town. I want to go there for one reason: to meet women. The rides are for kids only, and there are car shows and bake sales and whatnot. So I wanna ask you, is it okay for me to go there and find a few people I'd like to associate with. It's not like I'm gonna go up to everyone and say "Hey, what's your number?" I plan on talking to them about the town and where (if anywhere) they would like to move and etc. Then I could tell them I wanna talk to them again and get their number or something. I hope the answer's yes because this is in my hometown, and I could easily find them if I get invited over or something. So, once again, is a festival a good place to meet women? Hope a lot of you respond.

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Hi LoneVirgin,


Yes, i would say there will be lots of women there and it would be a good opportunity to meet someone you like but please dont go there with the intention of getting lots of phone numbers, just find a woman that you get on well with and ask for her number. Be very careful though, festivals are also family events.


Im sure you will enjoy the kids rides!


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