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hahah i dont really know what to call this?

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so i just came out today to my bestfriend as bisexual haha she took it really well and was completely fine with it and everything... but the thing is im not even sure which sex i prefer more? i havent done anything with guys before but i know that im really attracted to some im kind of interested in getting into a relationship but i don't know if i'ld rather be in one with a guy or a girl... and now for an even more complicated situation haha.. i also have a big crush on this one girl im good friends with....buuuuuut i also have a big crush on one of my really good guy friends (supposedly straight guy friend) but like lately at clubs and while drunk he's put his arm around my shoulders and like rests on me always follows me around at the club and if im not with him he'll go on a texting spree saying "WHERE ARE YOU?" a hundred times and he stays here almost every weekend always wants to know what im doing haha...so i guess the whole reason for this post is how do you know if a guy is interested in you? so much easier with girls but i guess i kinda wanna try having a relationship with a guy...

sorry about the long post guys i wasnt really sure where i was going with this until the end hahaha

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LET THE EXPERIMENTING BEGIN! some people don't know what they are for sure until they try it. you could ask your friend what he thinks about gay people or just come out to him to see how he reacts if you think he might be gay. the only problem I see is if it does happen, doesn't work out, and it ruins your relationship (this can go with the guy and the girl).of course this doesn't always happen though, I've seen situations where people who got divorced where still good friends. gosh, bi people are lucky, its like you have twice the chance of a relationship.

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