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I have had trouble relating to men in any way

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I'm a new member and I just wanted to see if anyone could help me.


I was raped several years ago and ever since I have had trouble relating to men in any way. About 1 year ago I met a man who I really felt was a friend, we used to chat for hours and he made me feel worthy and safe.


However recently he has become frustrated with my inability to really trust him. I wont be alone with him and I wont let him touch me...And he has just told me we can;t be friends without trust.


I feel so bad that I can't trust him, what can I do to make myself show these signs of trust that he wants?

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If he is interested in you, he should give you some time under the circumstances and work with you. What you went through I something that will always be in your mind. On the other hand. My advice to you is nothing can change what happened in the past. If you ever want to have a relationship with anyone you have to find a way that works for you to get over your fears. Maybe some counseling will help. If you want to spend time with him, first let him come to your house where you feel is your comfort zone or maybe have a friend or family member be at the house but not in the way. Do this until you feel you can do it without anyone being around. This should show him that you trust him and is trying to show you are interested. If he can't do that then maybe he is not the one for you. Good Luck!!

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