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Need Advice.

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Ok, so i been posting & talking about my situation alot on here lately because of a online friend that I known for a few years. I still feel like hes avoiding me but I need to clear my head in thinking he hates me. IF he hated me or didnt want us to be friends anymore. do you think that he would of blocked me on AIM so that i couldnt see that he was on? I still see him come on but then he most of the time signs right off again.

This situation is so stressful.


Heres the link from one of my recent posts, of what i been going thro & thinking/feeling etc.

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First of all, how long has this whole thing been going on? If it's only a week or two, I wouldn't go crazy over it just yet. You've probably heard this a dozen times, but I'll say it again - It's probably just stress and/or problems with his girlfriend or family. On the other hand, if he's been avoiding you for several months, something could be up. Either you may have inadvertently said something that upset him, or he might think your e-mails were too much (that you're smothering him), or (to put this in a better light), maybe his Internet's just been screwy. If he went from DSL to dial-up, that'd reduce his online time quite a bit. I hope I've helped. Good luck!

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yeah, its been going on for almost 2 weeks with the aim thing. I know , i thought about maybe i am being too much in contact with him lately so i am backing off. I am thinking maybe i am being to good of a friend to him right now.. and he may be having problems that he hasnt told me about.

I just hope everything is fine. But no it hasnt been going on for months.


I got dial up so yeah i can understand when it comes to the internet being screwy.



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