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What should I do? Does she like me? Kinda Long...

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Hi Santa !


OK. One thing I've noticed about myself is that I have huge difficulty in talking to girls I like. Infact, I have huge difficulty even looking at them !!

It's crazy, I know, but thats the way it is.


However, you're 17 You are reading into this situation way way too much - though you do seem to have a good idea about body language which is good.

Everything you say suggests that she likes you - well, nothing that you say suggests that she doesn't !!


My advice, ....., go for it. Ask her to go out somewhere with you. As her if she wants to hang out, or catch a movie or go for something to eat, or whatever it is you would do together.

Do you have any common interests? Perhaps suggesting doing one of those together would be a good idea.


However, for your own sake, ask her out. Don't get into a conversation about yourself or what she knows about you. Offer her the oppertunity to find that out while you spend some time together. You will then get a definitive answer about whether she is interested or not.


From here, it looks pretty good for you buddy, so chin up, think positive , and go for it


Hope this helps you some,



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Hey Santa !


Sounds good !!


Give her some space now, and don't appear too keen or she'll know she has you. SHe must think she hasn't got you, and then you have a better chance.


So by befriending her I hope you mean saying hi now and again, and stopping to talk to her once in a while but not every time you see her


Hope it all works out for you



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Charmed is spot on!!!! My current girlfriend turned me down indirectly first time, and thats when i backed off. A bit of distance had her confessing she was in love with me.


Women often love the chase, and HATE not being noticed, especially by the guy they like (vice versa) and are good friends with. A common tactic is to get close and hot, and just as you reach boiling point, you turn cold. You have had a good conversation, and she has been talking about dates and proms etc (another good sign), so now its time to distance yourself and let her chase you.


After all they want what they can't have, and she thinks she might have you!


Good luck

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