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Never happy with the girl I'm with..


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I'm trying to figure myself out lately. I keep going from girlfriend to girlfriend and I'm starting to wonder if the problem is me. Every time I meet someone new, they seem great. Then as I start to get to know them, I start picking them apart, until eventually I don't like them anymore, and I break up with them. Sometimes its little personality quirks that annoy me, sometimes its because i become unattracted to her body for whatever reason.


I'm really a nice person, believe it or not. I get along with most people. But once I start to get romantic with someone, things start to go downhill. I find myself looking at every other girl and saying I'd rather be with her. Maybe I'm still immature at 25. Does anyone else have this problem?

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I'm trying to figure myself out lately. I keep going from girlfriend to girlfriend and I'm starting to wonder if the problem is me. Every time I meet someone new, they seem great. Then as I start to get to know them, I start picking them apart, until eventually I don't like them anymore, and I break up with them. Sometimes its little personality quirks that annoy me, sometimes its because i become unattracted to her body for whatever reason.


I'm really a nice person, believe it or not. I get along with most people. But once I start to get romantic with someone, things start to go downhill. I find myself looking at every other girl and saying I'd rather be with her. Maybe I'm still immature at 25. Does anyone else have this problem?


Maybe you should step away from dating for a while until you can identify what it is you're looking for. Then once you discover that, you can rightfully avoid those that are not right for you instead of hooking up with them and then breaking up.

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I've done/do the same with with guys I date, but it certainly has helped now that I know what I'm looking for, and if they don't have those qualities, I will not bother because I know in the end it would bother me...Also taking a real break from dating as helped. You could also have some commitment issues or just not ready to settle down, I know I'm not ready at 22.

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I think this is something that happens to people when they're just not ready to commit to anything serious quite yet. I know I do it with all the people I date - there is always something that really annoys me or turns me off. I hate breaking things off though so I inevitably end up dating the person until they either a) realize they don't want to be with me or b) start really pushing for something serious, at which point I have to admit I'm not feeling the same way.


I've tried many times to kind of... push past whatever it is I find in the person that turns me off, but it seems like no matter how hard I try, I just don't see the point in settling. Sometimes I think "damnit I shouldn't have ended things that person was pretty cool", but then I remember I wouldn't have been happy in the relationship anyways.

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Sounds like you are yet to find what it is in a partner you really want. Taking time off from dating to discover yourself helps, also taking time to get to know someone before you jump into a relationship helps.


Also remember you will always find yourself in disappointment if you expect a "perfect" partner. I normally don't use the word "impossible" but here i think can be adequate to say that it is impossible to find someone that is perfect. Determine what's most important to you and recognise that people come with flaws, applies to everyone.


You get what you focused on, the more you focused to find faults, more faults you will find, in the mean time you've neglected all the good things come with the person. I would also ask "why", why are you start picking faults, sounds like sabotaging as a way out something you don't want.

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