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I know this sounds crazy but i am 17 and i need help with kissing... I have done the closed mouth kissing and the pecs but i think that it is time to stop acting childish and move to something a little better (maybe thats why i cant keep a gf)... Does anyone have any good kissing advice or well..... just anything would be great... thank you very much....

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I'm 17 too and never kissed anyone until about a month ago, but now I have two people saying I'm a great kisser, and no one ever taught or showed me. There's no set style of kissing, and it's not really something that can ever be trained. The best advice I can give you is to just go with whatever happens and enjoy it. We all have some kind of knowledge of kissing bred into us either throw watching others or media, so if you're really stuck try to remember what happens in those mediums.

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Ok, i just have to say that kissing is very important, some women find it even more intimate than sex!


I have always been considered a great kisser, i just love it so much. but Im gonna have difficulty in explaining how I do it, its like instinct to me.


but her are some tips/techniques:


There are all kinds of kisses, and ways to perform them, women differ on what is more satisfying for them. you need to be sensitive to the moment and the women.


The sensual kiss is my favorite, it starts like a regular kiss, but my lips back off a bit and I just ever ever so lightly caress my womens lips with mine, sometimes taking her upper lip between mine and then just tease it or rub it with my tongue.


What you do with your hands while kissing is also important, and also varies according to mood, hands on her hips, back, through her hair, on her br_easts etc.


The knock them off there feet kiss. my favorite kiss of all time was that first kiss i gave my ex-girl friend. we worked in the same office, and we both were hot for each other and have been longing to kiss each other, so one day i decided i wanted to give her a kiss she'll never forget, that day came, I was doing my work like anyother day, I called her into the studio to look at some lighting mods i was working on, i locked the door, when we both got inside, shes like looking up and all around tryng to find what i did. and then i put my hands on her shoulders, and gently push her against the wall, i grab her head with both hands and give her one of those "Hollywood" kisses. she was scared and excited at the same time, Ill always remember that expression on her face, its something that she kept bringing up over the years, that kiss left a lasting impression on her for life.


kiss other parts of her body, neck, under her ears, shoulders where it meets the neck, Ears are tricky, its more sexual, and usually dont do the ears unless im making love, some girls dont like it at all, so its something you have to be sensitive to, id leave that for foreplay. i have given my girlfriend an orgasm just by sucking licking her ears and pressing my body against hers. thats another topic lol.


Once in a while, during a kiss, pull your head away, just look them strieght in the eyes, dont say one word, with an intense passionate stare, then pull them back in.


Oh dude, all this talking of kissing is driving me up the wall, damn wish I was ready for a relationship again (im in the post breakup blues and dont want to go into another until my emotional scars have healed) I so much love kissing. and maybe thats why im so good at it naturally, because its not a chore, its not something i think about, its like breathing.

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hi - i'm 17 also!! coincidence. yeh well in terms of kissing, please believe me, it comes so naturally! there are NO rules, anything! just be sensible, don't pull your tongue out if they haven't! but if their mouth remains closed, put yours out lightly and prompt them to do it!


massage your tongues together, break this up with pulling their tongue with your lips, kiss their open lips, anything! if you are passionate about them, i swear you will be amazed with what you can do!


i happen to love kissing and have also been told i'm really good - whether its true or not, who knows, but i love doing it because you can make it up as you go along! good luck

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to: midnight, lol the hollywood kiss, should i get that copyrighted ?


to Pejtw, yeah i started kissing at 12, i mean kiss, spin the bottle was my teacher, thanks Terri wherever you are, your cheating on the spin so you could get another chance to kiss me, gave me the confidence to be that lipp smacker iam today, every single girl i have ever been with since then, has loved my kisses, I guess its because i enjoy it so much. and like you say, there is so many ways to do it. the only thing I could compare it to would be a musical instrument, there is no end to the tunes you can play!

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