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Women, would this be good for you?

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So many women complain that their guys reach a climax long before they do. Our arousal is so much faster than yours & we cant hold off too long. Would it work for you gals if you were to masturbate before starting to have sex with your guy so that you would be more than half way there to begin with?

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Hmm... never really thought about, but I think it would work!!


With guys, if you masturbate and ejaculater a few hours before you intend on having sex, you are most likely going to be able to last longer anyways.


As with women, i think if we masturbated before having sex (so we're half way there) it would probably work.... not too sure though


Why not add in a lot of foreplay? Get her really turned on, and do oral or finger her before hand. For sure she'll be very aroused and probably will come quicker.

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