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I want to get together, or am I loney?

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There is this guy that I dated in January. I broke up with him after 2 weeks bacause I didn't feel a real connection. I think there was nothing because I had just gotten out of a relationship where I was cheated on.


The real kicker is that lately I've been seeing him around campus and I'm feeling attracted to him. When we dated he was really happy, but I would always break plans and be "busy" because I didn't feel the same.


The only talking we've done is just a simple hello. I'm thinking of e-mailing him, but I don't know what to say. I'm just not sure if I'm feeling this way because my best friend just got a boyfriend 3 weeks ago and now I'm hanging out by myself more, or because I like him.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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Hi ndl24,

Ithink you should email him. did you have fun when ever you were around him? even if you didnt, he liked you and as you said had fun when you 2 were together. i heard from a friend that guys never truly stopliking someone.. but im not entirely sure about it so dont be depending solely on that.

Life is short and everyday we are getting older. email him and let him know not only how you feel now, but how you felt before. if you really truly like this guy, then he should hear these thingsfrom you. "Life is not about the breathes you take. Its about the moments that take your breathe away". Think of that and even tell him that if you want.

i dont know whether or not ive been of much help, i tend to ramble a lot. and i am youngerand less experiebnced in thesematters. good luck.

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Sounds like you're just lonely. With your best friend getting a bf, you probably feel "left behind".


The things is, you can email him I think, but you have to figure out what you want this relationship to be if it starts. If you're just frustrated and you just want to get out and have fun (understandable after a break up), then go for it, but you have to be upfront with yourself and with him about your intentions because feelings maybe hurt if he thinks your into him as a bf, and maybe you just want to hang out and be friends.


If you think that you're more just lonely, then, definitely, you shouldn't think about "hooking up" with him. Its better just to hang out and be friends until you have maybe healed yourself and sorted out your own feelings and issues from the past relationship.


In anycase - good luck.

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