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Why does it hurt so much?

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It's been a while since last posted here. Anyway, here's a little background of the past (between me and my supervisor)):


She left the company, and I returned (I quit but returned). On our last contact with each other, we both agreed to stay away from each other and remain out of contact forever, to the point that both of us would just exist only in our memories. And so that is what happened.




Anyway, as I was trying to get over her. I felt so much pain, pain that I can't blame on her or on anyone else. Plus the truth is, I never really had her; we never really had each other. Still I cared for her, even though it was like that. So, why letting go of her hurt so much, even though I can't say that she became my girl or I was her guy? Have you experienced similar pain before?

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You fell in love with the thought, not the actual relationship. Unfortunately this happens all the time.


You cared for her, so the pain you are feeling is normal my friend. Just because you never really had her doesnt mean that you can't hurt.


Hang in there!

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Hello friend,


Just because you didn't have a "relationship" with this woman does not mean your feelings for her were/are any less real...please remember that. Many people are under the mistaken impression that love has to be requited to be real...this is so untrue. Love is something you can feel for someone, even if it is not returned, or is felt in return but not acknowledged by the other person. So don't discount your grief over the loss you are feeling...it is very natural, and very normal. Give yourself time to grieve, and work your way through the pain. I wish you all the best...

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