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Is there something abnormal with me?

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Hi !


I don't know how to put up my problem. I am 28. While doing intercource, i got verymuch excited leads to increase my prnnis size to a great extent.

As a part i like oral very honestly. But within 10 mins my girl friend is getiing excited & force me for the intercource. She can do it for twice within a night, but i remains unsatisfied. When I demand for more she refused by saying she is tired enough. for the balance night i experience a pain in my pennis. Pls can somebody help me to tackle this problem. Is there something abnormal with me.


Vijay (vijay_0102in@link removed)

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Hey VJ.


Do you "shoot your load"? Coz if you ain't then lol obviously you ain't going to be satisfied. Apart from that, we're guys, we like sex more, we can't live w/o it. We can't get dildos and stick our "buddies" in it, well we can but it's not too common to find them.


Girls have lotsa orgasms, and usually become more satisfied than us but that's hard to say. At the end of the day, all you really need to know is that there's nothign wrong with you, this is normal.



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Hi, The best thing that I can tell you to do is, tell her. If she loves you she will do what she can to satisfy you. So what if she is tired, I am tired plenty of nights and I still go at it wih my hubby.


Just tell her the truth...have you ever been completely satisfied with any other girlfriend? If so, what did she or you do to get it done? Thats all I can think of to tell you, hey but Good Luck!

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so basically you're saying you can only get an orgasm from oral sex? you can't get it from sex? Do you masturbate a lot? i'm saying this b/c i had problems with an ex who couldn't get off from sex b/c he was so used to the way he masturbated. Now I'm not saying masturbating every day is too much. hey, i don't care as long as it doesn't effect our sex life. Well, I did research and basically did an experiment and asked him to not masturbate for two days. he finally had an orgasm from sex.


I know, men love oral sex. It can get very tiring for a girl to use her mouth for that long. ask her to use her use her mouth along with her hands- mix it up. It works.

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