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the safest way to express my anger


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this is a little... hmm... violent i guess

so here i am,

my head in a vice,

i cannot breathe

i'm strangling with myself

strangling with myself.


You dog, your bastard,

you... that put me in this vice.

How do you live with yourself?

i can't lie with you,

not a minute,

not a second,

i cannot stand your face,

your voice, your mockingful laugh...

yes your stupid immature laugh.


but i must tell you,

tell you now before i kill you,

tell you before

i take the pleasure of splattering your blood,

and breaking your bones.


i must say,

i am happy,

happy because at least i'm honest to you,

at least i can smile at you,

at least i can laugh at your betrayal.


Don't worry

for my anger will turn to happiness...


and your blood shall drench my hands

and i shall be the keeper of your heart.


yes... then i can smile.

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to me it seems like it can be both literal and metaphorical, like this person could truly have a hold over you, or evn you having a hold over yourself.

so the literal would be to feel true hatred for someone and then the metaphorical would be this person who has a hold of you from the inside, like the poem is talking about self harm and the relief thats gained, still thats what i saw.



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