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i like her.....but i'm kinda nervous to say something to her

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hi i'm new to this forum and my problem is this:


i like this girl in my class. i've never talked to her before but i want to. but there are a few problems. one i'm black and while she looks light skinned i think she's mixed? i mean i don't have a problem with that but i'm not sure if she likes black guys she may only likke white guys. next i see she wears jewelrey and that might mean she has a bf already. last...i'm just a little shy and it's hard for me to open up. i've written a note i plan to give her soon but i'm still trying to make it more simple and to the point. just basically it says hi and how i would like to talk and get to know her. i know this all sounds stupid but i don't want to give up. i don't like taking risk but i don't want to throw this opportunity away either. i guess that's about it....i hope this all made sense. bye for now

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if you dont talk to her then you may never know. being shy is ok everyone goes through that and may still go through it now. but you shouldnt think that she only likes whie guys. race should never have anything to do with it. it's what you both feel. we all bleed the same color nothing different. so talk to her, it wont hurt to at least talk to her. best of luck to you.

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If I were you, I wouldn't give her a note. Sometimes girls find that threatening. I've seen that reaction a lot, even to pretty low-key messages. Just talk to her - Ask her how she's doing, what she thinks of the class, and so on. Do this once or twice and you'll have an excuse to start saying hello to her in the hallways. Then, once she knows you're interested, just go up and say you'd like to get in touch ("I enjoyed talking to you the other day, but we don't any very good chances to talk at school. Mind if I call you sometime?"). It's harder than giving a note, but it's a more surefire strategy and sends a better message than a note about your confidence level, which is exceedingly important.


Just do it. That's all you can do, right?

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you see in my experience, girls either will act a couple ways when you give them a note, they will either feel a great amout of emotion for you to give them something so personal to just them or they will play you for a joke, find out what kind of person she is, talk to some of her fiends and see what is up with her.


plz let me know how it goes



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