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I am new to this site. I have been with my boyfriend for a 1 year 2months. We have always been far from eachother he lives in florida where i used to live. I recenlty moved out to maryland to be closer with my family because of other issues i had with my family in Florida. Lately we have been going through a tough time we split up and then get back together. He always tells me I am the only one for him but sometimes i get these doub'ts like what if he finds someone closer to him? I mean the other night i broke down in tears because i just couldnt take it anymore. I wanted to go to Fl to just see him but at the moment i am out of a job. I just wonder what he MIGHT be doing if i am not there.

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I don't really know what to say. The only advice I can give is don't accuse him of anything because that will only chase him away. Talk to him and tell him how much he means to you as much as possible. Your feeling are understandable. I am sure he thinks the same about you. Just try to stick it out and be stronge. Good luck to you and him.

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Hey there Missing


Darling, try to relax! I have learnt a lot about life and am learning still like everyone else. Trust him, as trust is what pulls two people together. I know and understand that you cant stop wondering about him and what he might be doing while you are not there. But IF he is doing something and you will find out, THEN he is NOT the person you want to be with. DISTANCE bring people closer together! Love grows fonder!!! If you think he is fooling around behind your back, dont accuse him but tell him your fears, and by his response you will be able to get the feel if it's true or not!


If you love someone support them! Believe in your love for each other and believe in him!


If you want to chat, PM me!

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These doubts happen in most long distance relationships. He is probably having the same fears and insecurities you are having. The point is that you need to share them with each other. Distance relationships, as in any relationship, require reassurance of your love for each other. If you're having doubts, just ask him to reassure you. He should be able to do that, and if he hesitates or doesn't seem to want to reassure you, then he may not be interested in carrying on a relationship with you. Sometimes people don't come right out and say something because they are afraid of hurting feelings. So, he could be trying to drop hints that he's hoping you'll pick up on.


But most likely this is just the usual fear that follows opening up your heart to someone, especially someone who is so far away from you. You feel vulnerable and doubts are going to enter your mind. But the most important thing in any relationship that has a chance to succeed is communication. You need to communicate to him how you feel and ask him to reassure you when you have these doubts. If he's not willing to communicate with you, chances are that's a hint he's hoping you'll pick up on that this isn't what he wants anymore. I hope it all works out for you two! Distance can bring people closer together, if both people are willing to work at it!

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