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Confused and Lost

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I have been dating this guy for 4 months. Well, I confessed to him on Tuesday night that i am falling in love with him. We talked and I thought everything is fine. Today, I called him and he told me that he will call me back and he have not called me back yet. What should i do now?

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I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe something happened that he can't call you yet. Give it time. One day is too soon to think of anything. Sorry but I don't think you have any thing to worry about maybe he just needs a few days to take it in. Give him time he should come around, espesically if he feels the same way.

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if you re dating this guy for 3 months.. chances are that he is falling for you too. Maybe he is trying to digest this for himsef.. I REPEAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE WORRIED IF HE HASN"T CALL YOU THE NEXT DAY. maybe he is thinking of a way to tell you the same thing.. that he is falling for you too. don't come to any conclusion too fast!. good luck

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I need your input, please…


Well, he emailed me and called me twice on Tuesday. Then comes Wednesday, he emailed me again and I thought everything is okay. Anyhow, around 5 pm I called him, we had a brief conversation but he was busy. I asked him to call me later when he is not busy and he told me he would call me back in a few. I wait and still no calls. Well, today he emailed me again and no phone calls. I don't understand what he's doing and I am very confused. I was wondering, should I wait until Monday and write a letter to him why he's confusing me?

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