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The nice guy question!!!! Here is the Answer!!!!

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You can be a nice guy women don't mind that....but what you have to learn is to mix it up a little bit! Say NO sometimes, break things off sometimes make it seem like she isn't as important as she is! think about it....do you like it when a girl is all over you!!!! NOOOO!!! So shut up about the nice guy thing and just change your way a little bit......say no sometimes and don't spend your every second with her!

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Thank you for your interesting post, New York. My personal opinion to it, is that I don't agree to this, but that's just silly me. I know a few nice ladies that DO appreciate their guy spending lots of time with them.


Just my two cents


~ SwingFox ~

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I understand what shes getting at, but the personality of a person is who they are, I dont feel I should have to put up an act to keep a person interested.


Im not talking about sufacating your partner with love and being a slave. but you see i enjoy making my girl happy because i love her, if she cant appreciate me, thats her problem ,and one that will become mine also.

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Hmm, actually there is some sense in what New York wrote.


Girls would only notice and desire a guy when he stands his own ground. Even if he likes her, she would normally tend to reciprocate only when she senses his independence and a good mind of his own.


Though I have been through the dating game, I was never one who gave in to a woman just because I like her. Compromise yes, but not if her wishes are against my principles.


Saying NO is not difficult when you stand by what you value in life.

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