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Asking girls out

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Ok..this thought crossed my mind after reading an article on the net somewhere that said this.. Girls except and Love guys asking them out and are flattered by it and that asking her will make her day...so my question is girls if you always flattered by a guy asking you out..or do you sometimes see it as a desperate attempt by some looser? And does it really make your day..unless its someone you want to go out with?

Thanks in advance for any replies i get on this just curious

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Well, it certainly is flattering to have someone be interested in you, whether or not you feel the same way about them. Even if a girl doesn't like the guy asking her out, most of the time, if she's a nice girl anyway, she'll let him down easy.


I think it should be taken as a compliment, afterall, if the guy has the guts to confess his feelings he must really like her, and he probably likes her 'cause she's a great girl!

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I would guess getting asked out would flatter a girl. Has a girl ever asked you out? If she has, you remember the feeling. Even if you didn't like her, know her, was not single, or thought she was ugly, you would say whatever to people around you, but inside you feel secure and happy with yourself because someone is attracted to you and wants to be with you, im pretty sure its the same way for a girl. Unless she gets asked out 5 times every day or something...I know one of those

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Well sorry adam I don't sugar coat topics to make you feel better, sorry I even kept it real with you if you want to go ask her out then do so, but just remember their is a 50/50 chance that if you ignore your going to be feeling pretty low, and remember I told you so.

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Aaaww..1Adam12 ,


I don't think that the girl will look at you as a loser, unless if she's a snob, then she would think that way. But, when a guy asks a girl out, they're usually flattered. I'm pretty sure that the girl who you ask out, will probably give you a chance. Your post reminds me of this guy that I met in one of my classes. I felt bad, because he asked me to go out to dinner twice, and last week, he asked for my number. I felt really bad for him, but told him that I couldn't. It's not because I thought he was a 'loser'. Actually, he is a really nice guy, but he just looked a little too old for me. I think he was probably 40 or something. He's bald....(I don't know, the fact that he looked like he could be as old as my dad, kinda scared me off a little)


So, to answer your question: No, girls will not look at you as being desperate. It just depends on the girl. I think that for the most part, girls are accepting and understanding, so they won't criticize you. Good luck! I'm sure you'll win a date soon!


Take Care!



P.S.- I love your avatar! It's cute!

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Yeah they like it if they think you look good, otherwise be prepaired for some wannabe diva sized complaing.



Sometimes it helps to listen to a group of girls talking to one another. well it may be the case that the girl in question is polite to you, when she talks to her friends about your attempt it may sound like...


"what made him think he ever had a shot"

"so some loser tried to pick me up at....."


her friends will probably support her with....


"yeah, only ugly guys ask me out"

"why can't a good one ask me out rather than these losers"

good=good looking

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Hey Adam12!


Don't give up hope. I can see Ck's and Doorik's point of view, but in that case, if the girl's going to act like a jerk about the whole situation, then it's her loss! I know some women, who are wenches like that. Unfortunately, they are the ones who could care less about how men feel, and are the one's who don't mind shooting a guy's ego down! That's not nice to pick on others, and call them losers, but some women are just 'hot headed' like that, when it comes to turning down dates.


My advice to you is to take this as a situational approach. Meaning, sometimes when things don't work out between two people, as intended, it's probably because they have other issues that they need to resolve amongst themselves. It doesn't mean that the other partner doesn't find you attractive, or thinks that you are a loser. It's just that they have other personal matters to take care of....It could mean that their reasoning in turning down a date, is because of other things, not because of you.


So, don't let it bother you. And if you do give it a shot, and if the plan fails, at least you'll know that you tried. The worst thing that can happen is that you guys are friends with each other. So, to get back to my point, even if you do ask her out, and if she turns you down, it doesn't mean that she thinks badly of you. Perhaps, she's just not ready to date anyone for now...It has nothing to do with if she thinks that you are a loser or not. Again, unless if she's a snob, then she'll think that way...So, don't lose hope Phil!

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It's a power thing dood. Since it's our "job" to ask them out (i know ladies some girls ask guys out, but i'm talking about 99.9999999% of the time). they have all the power.


A girl can put a guy in a world of hurt and no matter how fast or skilled he is, he'll never avoid it. Flesh and bones heal, blood is cheap and pain is free, but the heart is a different matter. There's nothing poetic or sappy about it; when a guy asks out a girl, especially one he is emotionally attracted to, he is peeling away his armour and forfeiting any sort of defence. When the blade sinks, it sinks deep.


I've witnessed guys the size of houses who were unafraid of rabid dogs take three hours to work up the nerve to talk to a girl, only to be humiliated right there while they're totally defenceless. It's almost comical watching guys that big wilt under the merciless tongue of a girl a third their size. But the looks on their faces, the ones you usually see morbidly frozen on road kill, aren't. I now realize that it too much to risk for such a small return

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