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Is what I did, wrong??

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Ok I dont know what to really call what happened lately player-ish but, i guess you can judge that. Anyways, well I meet this girl, we'll call her missy, and soon enough was doing everything a Bf and Gf relationthip. So eventually I caught myself wanting to ask her out officially. Ok, next I get the nerve to ask her out, but she tells me she needs to sleep on the idea, and she would get back to me when she awoke. She never said another word, and im still answerless for the last 2 weeks. Meanwhile, I left in limbo and she leaves town and goes on vacation for another week. She only called me once the whole week. But I didnt let it get to me, and so I called her several times regardless...Okay store that in mind,...Next part of this problem is this girl that we'll call Sally. Sally and my friend were interested in one another and screwed around etc, but they dont talk really anymore and my friend and his disturbing ways is now using someother woman. Then today I was talking to her for one of the first times in several months, and we barely talked. But something clicked, and one thing lead to another and I found mself making a date with her to go to the movies. We went, it went well, i held her hand, and to a astronimical surprise waiting for a goodnight kiss, and it wasnt anything long, just a nice kiss. Here's the question, did I do something wrong,...please help me, i cant sleep over this thought

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How could you have done something wrong? You asked Girl A out...she, in essense, turned you down; so, you went out with Girl B. Since you really like Girl B (and aren't just using her to make the other girl jealous or something), I see absolutely nothing wrong with what you did. You aren't going out with the first girl...she isn't even interested. (Sorry if that sounds blunt; but, if she was interested, you would've heard from her that next day.) Thus, there's no problem. Go out with the second girl and enjoy yourself!

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Agreed. The first one very ... for lack of a better word.. rudely turned you down by not answering, its almost like leading you on. You arent using the other girl in any way shape or form, and something clicked. Thats the start of something great, the sparks of a bonfire. There was no foul play, you did nothing wrong, have fun with Sally.

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