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How come i can easily talk to a guy in person, no problem, i can easily talk to a guy online, no problem, but when it comes to calling a guy i get really nervous and shake? Its weird, i have no problem if i am talking face to face. whats wrong? why am i so nervous to talk on the phone?

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When you talk to people in person or online, are you the one initiating conversations? When I try to intiate conversations, particularly phone calls, I become nervous because I am calling someone away from whatever it is they normally and may not be as entertaining. For that matter, I may get bored, forcing me to come up with an excuse to leave.


Talking to people online is easier because I can take the time to come up with something witty, use music to relax myself or multi-task if boredom rears its all too famillar head. Face-to-face conversations are not as difficult as phone calls because you have facial expression, poise and other cues aside from vocal inflection. It's hard to feel foolish when someone is smiling.


Anyway, call despite the nervousness. By all accounts it'll pay off.

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I have the same problem. I usually have a fear if someone else answers the phone or if the guy I like isn't home. I think it's the fear of embarrassment. Like.....say if he wasn't home and his mom asked if you wanted to leave a message. I dunno about you but I would feel uncomfortable with them knowing that a girl called her son. or....lets say if a younger sibling of his answers the phone and started teasing him about a girl calling him. That would kind of embarrass me.

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I was going to say that I don't like phone calls either, but this is one advantage that girls have: guys never expect a girl to call them up, and it is a REAL turn on when they do.


I think the reason phone calls are hard is that you never know when you might be interrupting something - impatience may come accross in someone's phone manner but have nothing to do with you, even though we always take it personally and later think we screwed up by calling. It is important to see the person you are talking to.


I never ask for a girl's phone number. If I like her, I ask her out in person, and then if we start going out, phone calls can be a nice way to stay in touch between dates, but if the guy or girl is not interested, the phone, or email, just becomes an easy way to keep someone at a distance.



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