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question for chicks

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say when "grinding" on the dance floor or whatever, if a guy gets a boner, can you girls feel it? i mean the dancing that goes on nowadays, with the girls' ass on the guys' crotch and hands going all over, i think its understandable to get a boner. if i, myself, can feel it stiffen up and feel the pressure against my leg, would she be able to feel it as well? if such is the case, what would be igoing through n her mind?would she be embrassed? or freaked out? and if such is the case, as a guy, should i ignore it and keep dancing with her?


and when you girls get "wet," like how much is the "wetness"? is it just barely noticeable or what? and other then that and nipples getting harder, are there any other visual ques that signal a girls' arousal?

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say when "grinding" on the dance floor or whatever, if a guy gets a boner, can you girls feel it?
Most of the times, yes.

if i, myself, can feel it stiffen up and feel the pressure against my leg, would she be able to feel it as well?

if such is the case, what would be igoing through n her mind?
I don't know about other girls, but I certainly do not appreciate it. I mean, yeah, I like dancing with guys, but not when it comes to grinding. I just don't understand the fascination behind grinding. I like it when a guy can dance with me 'normally,' meaning, 'no humping action'. It's natural for guys to get arroused, but when they do, I would hope that they don't grind their thang up on me like that. I really dislike it. And, I dislike it, when they try to wrap their arms around my waist. Especially when they have this stiff movement. I especially dislike it, when they act really possessive on the dance floor, by basically swinging their entire bodies in front of my face, without giving me any space to move. Sorry if this is not the answer that you'd like to hear, but I guess, it's different for other women. At least, that's how I feel. It just makes me feel cheap, and degraded. It's more of a psychological thing for me. I don't like the feelings that I get from it. I feel really uncomfortable. Plus, I guess for me, it's also a form of unwanted PDA.


If she's comfortable with it, meaning, if she looks like she's had tons of drinks, and is out and open like that, then she's asking for it. So, I guess, if this is the case, then no, don't feel bad about it. Some are just more 'loose' about it.


About the girls and horniness, and visual ques:

I don't know about other women, but I go dancing just for the sake of dancing and enjoying the music. I don't like to go their to meet a potential mate. For others, some among that I know of, they go there to pick up guys. And when they're horny, they really show their easiness, by humping the guy, and just getting all up on him. I've seen some chicks do that before. I guess, if you give them enough drinks, they'll really show it through their inhibition. Also, when they'll easily toss their bodies at you. They'll show their interest by acting 'obscene,' by acting all giggly, ditzy, and making obvious remarks, and facial gestures, like they're on a high. That's from observation. I don't know how it feels to be horny on the dance floor. So, that's just the best of my knowledge.


However, not all ladies go out and dance on the dance floor to meet guys. Some of us are there, because we love to dance. If she respects her body, and finds interest in you, then she'll continue on dancing with you. Most of the times, when a girls not interested, (this is just me though), she'll say, "It's nice to meet you, but I gotta go..." And if the guy's still persistent, then, they'll usually have a few of their girlfriends form an inner circle, and push the guy out of it. Otherwise, one of their girlfriends will cut you off, and act like you weren't even dancing with their chick. I know, that might not be the best form of a 'diss'. But sometimes, it's necessary for some women, because we don't like to feel cheap, and would hope that the guy would respect that. If not, then we won't feel bad about leaving promply, by excusing ourselves, or asking one of our girlfriends to 'steal' us away. So, if you see one of her girlfriends approaching the two of you, just know that it's their 'rescue' mission. But, if her friends persists on rescuing, and the friend actually enjoys your dance moves, then she'll probably make a gesture, by smiling.


My Word of Advice:

Just be yourself. Dance all you want. If the girl likes grinding, then do it. But if she makes a gesture, like budging, or preventing your arms from moving to her waist area, by leaving her own arms around her waist, while dancing, then give it up, and don't try to be persistent. When a guy's persistent like that, some women will just get easily annoyed, and turned off. So, just keep a 'relaxed joe' kinda attitude and dance, and go with the flow. Test the waters a little, and see how she likes to dance. Every women has their own style. So, just pay attention to their gestures. Like if she's smiling, and appears to be having fun, then yes, you are making the right moves, and she's enjoying herself. However, if she kinda gives you a 'raised eyebrow' look, just know that she is not feeling it. Yeah, so that's just from personal experience. I think that women tend to like men, who can just be themselves on the dance floor. I personally don't like to dance 'raunchy.'


It's more fun, when two people are just dancing to enjoy the music, and dance just for laughs and having fun! If you want to win points here's some of my tips, I like it when a guy can dance with me, in an innocent fashion! You know, like swinging, or spinning, salsa moves, or doing something funny, like the Running Man, John Trovolta movements, Madona's Vogue or YMCA gestures. You know, something funny and hillarious. When a guy does that, not only does he look silly, but whitty, charming, confident, and not so much of a 'crowd pleaser'. Plus, he gets bonus points for respecting the women's right to not feel 'uncomfortable', or degraded. It's different for every women I guess.


Hope this helps!



Just Be Relaxed. Go with the flow. And let your charm shine through!

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I agree with everything Mahlina said. there are some women that like it and some who don't. I personally don't. but a few of my girlfriends do. the girls making a circle to push the guy away or friends rescuing- it's something girls have learned instinctively over the years, but yeah, that's disinterest, when a girl's friend happens to grab the girl you're dancing with to pull her away. girl's give each other looks that only girls can read and when a friend can sense their girlfriend needs to be rescued, she jumps in. Rarely, if a girlfriend senses her friend is enjoying the dancing will she intervene.


I don't like the grinding, but i love to dance. Like Mahlina, i like guys who can be funny and make fun of themselves on the dance floor- my ex was like that. He'd do this stupid robot dance as a joke (with such a serious face) and i thought it was the cutest thing- because he knew it looked stupid. that's just me. it's all about confidence, not cockiness. but when a guy is serious, salsa, tango, swing, etc... much more sexy than grinding. and respectful. who wants to hump on the dance floor? that's not really dancing to me. but just my opinion.

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When a girl is grinding with a guy.. her number one intention is to make the guy aroused, so as i see it i dont think she would care if he got a boner...cos thats what she wanted in the first place. but there are lots of girls out there who dont like grinding so it would be embarrassing to them if they were dancing with you and you got all turned on.

and sorry to tell you this but when a girls nipples harden...lots of times its because of either the weather or fabric rubbing up against them. It's kind of rare for a girl to get turned on and her nipples harden, they react the same ways that the guys nipples react.

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