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Getting back together...Impossible??

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About a week and a half ago my boyfriend decided we needed a break due to months of petty arguments, we've been together a year and a half and are the best of friends but he said he needed time away if there was any chance of saving our relationship. I gave him a hard time about all this and a few days ago he told me he felt we just weren't right for each other. Anyway I thought maybe some of you could offer me input on his behavior...during each of our meetings he cries..we both cry, but he reaches for me and holds me, he also let me come over to his house the other night to wait for him after work...I still have the key to his house and he hasn't asked for it back. I guess I just don't understand why he would give me the boot and still let me keep the key to his home or why he would sit outside alone and cry over this if ending our relationship is what he really wants. Should I give him his space or should I fight to keep him, I'm confused as to all his mixed signals...his behavior says one thing but he is also very adamant about time apart.

Thanks for any advice you have to offer.

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This is fairly simple really. He clearly has strong feelings for you still, this is evident in his tears. It does not mean that he will come back to you. What I would do, if I were you, would be to give him the space that he has asked for. Do not crowd him the messages and calls. Give him the time to reflect on the decision he has made, and consider whether it is the right one. While you are giving him time, you are also giving yourself time. Think about what you really want, what was causing the constant arguments whilst you were together, and what would be different if you were to get back together.


Think about healing yourself and preparing yourself to cope with meeting up with him again, without emotion and sadness clouding you.


Good luck.


G xx

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