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Do you think it will work???

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Just had to let some feelings out....


Today is my ex's birthday. I don't know what else he is getting for his birthday,but I know two of the things he's getting..

From his mother he's getting a painting of his dog that I painted for him. she framed it and everything. I know he was really proud of my artwork so I am hoping that when he gets this he will think of me... but I am afraid its going to make him sad.


I also decided to send the present I bought him before he broke up with me. I wrote him a note to go with it, saying that i bought it before we broke up and i know he'd love it so I wanted him to have it anyway. Then i went on to say that i was sorry for acting so stupid and foolish and that i have been thinking the past couple weeks and realized that he was right about everything. Then i said, maybe i'll give you a call sometime and if you would be considerate i would like to speak with you in person someday.


So I basically kind of left it open. do you think it may work?? What should I do now, wait and see if he calls first? or call sometime next week. I was actually planning to call next week after his parents go away for a week and he'll be home alone. What should i do??

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Well he sent my present back and said he couldn't take it.

I am crying now, I don't know what to do....

I don't know why he is being this way.

My heart is breaking all over.... I need to talk to him I don't have the answers I want....

Maybe I don't care anymore if we ever get together again but I want to get some closure!!! He at least owes it to me.

Why does love have to hurt soooo much!!!

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Aww, I feel for you. I kinda know what that's like. That happened to me on valentines day, and lol I broke up with my gf 2-3 days before that but we're back together now and it's working out better than ever.


Just make him take it, give it to his mom and make her keep it for the time being if he won't because you did all that for him and if he can't realize it then he's just not being fair, it's already his, the best thing and most appreciative thing on top of the least selfish thing he could do is accept it, and you tell him that.



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Oh yea, I know hey, love just hurts so much at times and it's really hard to determine wether it's worth it. When it's good, it's all worth it and you'd never think twice, when it's down you have lotsa doubts but it's juts the way life works...there's good and bad things to everything.


Think positive and accept things for what they are, the sooner you do, the faster you'll be happy again.


Msg me or anything if you need support or a shoulder to lean on.



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I feel so crappy....

My best friend, who is also his sister thinks I should give up and leave him alone....

she thinks he doesn't care but I beg to differ.


I know she doesn't completely understand the way I feel, even though I know she some in some ways.


The minute I saw his picture I knew I wanted to meet him, and I spent months trying to get him to notice me and finally he went out with me, and I love him so much. It was all my fault we broke up and I know he must feel really bad, he is good at hiding his feelings so no one know will know how he really feels.


Everything felt right, I could picture my whole future with him, everything I still can. Everything felt so right.... my heart keeps telling me to keep trying. He knows I am going to call someday.... But maybe I will wait until my books come. I ordered some books to help me.


I can't give up on this no matter how much I may want to, my heart just won't give up.


I know from the things he said to me that its not what he wanted, and he looked me in the eye I could tell he wasn't lying when he said it....

I went and talked to him and he said he just didn't have enough time for me and that he didn't think he was being fair to me... and when I asked him if he thought it should be over, he said I guess. I asked him again, he said I guess, then I asked well YES or NO, he said well Yes, I guess. I know in my heart if he really wanted it over for real with no doubts he would have said, YES. Period!


I also talked to him one week later and he said, I didn't do anything, and that he did still want to be my friend, even though he didn't act that way. I know in my heart that i hurt him more than I can even imagine, I know its my fault cause if I hadn't of been so selfish and been upset with him when he didn't call becase he had to work, or been upset when he couldn't go to the show with me.... this never would have happened! He was right when he said I didn't understand because I didn't, but I do know!! I know it was all my fault, and he just wouldn't tell me because he didn't want to hurt me that way, but he probably knew I wouldn't listen because I never did before!!!!


I am soooooo sorry, and I want to tell him that but I don't know if he'll listen. I know he still cares, but I think I just made it worse. I want him back so badly. I know he is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, I knew it the day I met him, and I just knew he was the one for me. My heart can't be wrong can it??? Never ever ever before has my heart ever felt this way. I had a boyfriend before, and i loved him, but it wasn't the same, and I have had many crushes, and many guys who had liked me, but nothing ever clicked like that. NOTHING!!!!

I always trust my gut instinct, its almost always right, and I find it so hard to believe its anything but right this time.

I wish he wasn't so stubborn and I wish I never hurt him. I wish I could go back, but I am glad he did break up with me, cause I never would have seen how stupid I was, and what I lost, and why!!!


I wish there were some easy answers, but I know there aren't any. If only I knew how he really truly felt.

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You poor thing. I think that was very rude of him to send it back to you.

I reckon you should go over there and personally give it to him, and say " it was for all the right reasons, please don't give it back to me".

Perhaps he is feeling insecure within himself by not being able to accept it?

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