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is it true.....

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Yes, the taste of a man's semen can be changed by what he eats. So eating fruits and such with lots of sugar is more pleasant than say asparagus which I've been told is the absolute worst possible thing a guy could eat before getting oral sex.

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  • 4 weeks later...
How long before do you have to eat it? Like right before? a day before? or just always eat fruit do you don't hafta worry?
........................................................I don't know how long but I would think that drinking apple or pineapple juice would be the quickest way to get it in your system.
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Its probably not as simple as what u eat/drink changes the taste, but its a contributing factor. The fact is many girls dont like getting semen in their mouth anyways, no matter on the taste, but if u don't mind then thats fair enough.

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