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Ready for friendship buuuuut...

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A while ago (March 31st-May 10th) I was in a serious relationship with a guy, let's call him N.


N & I were together for a turbulent one and a half months, but I've known him for about 3 years through mutual friends.


Our relationship was really chaotic. Neither of us was ready for it.. and our own insecurities shone through. He was verbally abusive & jealous & I was always trying to get on his bad side. We did have our good moments: we had a lot of fun & a lot in common.


But by early May I was maturing and I realized that I had to remove myself from that situation. We broke up and went NC straight away. He messaged me a few times but I either ignored it or acted obnoxiously enough as to make him stop.


He texted me today & because I never save his number I called so i could see who it was. We got to talking & we talked for about an hour and a half.


As always we had a really easy, light conversation and laughed a lot. I was fine with that. I'm over him & there's no real "wounds" left by that relationship. I wasn't hurt when it ended, I knew it had to end.


He kept flirting with me & he wants to catch up soon. I didn't flirt back & I told him I wasn't gonna make that mistake again.


He told me he's changed & he apologised for all that he did (second time he's apologizing, i didnt hear him out last time). He said he wants to prove to me that he's changed & asked me how.


I told him all I wanted was a friend ATM and if he could prove to me that he's a good friend then I'd believe that he was a changed man. He asked me if, in 6 months time, he'd proven it to me, if there was any chance of me giving him another shot relationship wise. I laughed & said I doubt he'd make it through the 6 months, but I said okay. He told me "You can date whoever you want, I dont really care. Well, I do care, but i just want to prove this to you. I'm sorry for all that I did. I wasn't ready for a relationship at the time & I couldn't see how much you were really worth".


Do you guys think it's silly that I'm actually contemplating being his friend? Like I said, we didn't leave any wounds on each other & it would probably be really easy.

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If you're over him and can handle a friendship then why not?


But i do have to ask how are you going to handle if he makes advances towards you and is always seeking more?

And what happens when 6 months is up?

What if he has changed? then what?


I guess I wouldn't mind giving him another shot. Like I said, besides the immaturity, he would have made a pretty good boyfriend. If he's changed that then... Why not?


He won't make physical advances.. he's already flirting with me like hell but I shoot him down. I'm pretty good at sticking to my guns when it comes to that.

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I guess I wouldn't mind giving him another shot. Like I said, besides the immaturity, he would have made a pretty good boyfriend. If he's changed that then... Why not?


He won't make physical advances.. he's already flirting with me like hell but I shoot him down. I'm pretty good at sticking to my guns when it comes to that.


If you think he has changed and after the 'proving' period you want him back then why not!


I am glad you can stick to your guns though and dont be fooled into him acting he has changed if he hasnt.

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Go for it, but don't get your hopes up about him being a changed man....


Hopes are actually very low about it atm lol. Six months is a long time but i dont really have much to lose since im setting my expectations for him so very low.


In my honest opinion i reckon he is just trying to get into your pants. I could be wrong but...


LOL. That occurred to me, too, but I'm extremely hard to persuade into that. Short of raping me he couldn't make that happen, and he's not that stupid.

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