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ex-boyfriend wrote something- should i respond or not?

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My ex bf and i broke up last Sunday. i left a CD at his home and i asked him to send it back to me. (this was Sunday too.) I just received the CD today, with a note, w/no to or from it just reads, "I'm sorry I poisoned your mind with my foolish words." this is written on a big white sheet of paper. do i respond to this and how? i really want to talk to him again and get back together, but he broke up with me. do i ignore it? should i send him an e-mail saying thanks for the CD (very casually)? Please read my other post for more background info on our relationship, i really want to get back together.


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If you want to get back together then maybe you should reply, send him am email saying something like "thanks for the CD, dont be sorry, i forgive you".


A few days later ask him if he would like to meet up with you just to talk things over between you. Hopefully, you can take it from there step by step.


Whatever you do though, dont hurry or rush him. He could be very upset and meeting up with you could be emotional for you both so you dont want to make it worse by hurrying or getting back together for the wrong reasons.



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