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Stomach muscles

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Hello people!


To all you people out there that are reading this, (specialy guys) I wanted to ask you. I have a little problem, I a way, I am a strong person but I wanted to ask you people how to get stomach muscles. I mean... is not like I can go out to a stope and buy them but, if u can give me some tips in what to do, what excercises r best and how long should I do them it will be very helpful to me. Thank you all very much and thanks in advance!


P.S. Please tell me what u have in mind even if other people had already said the same thing. Thanks

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just start doin easy stuff eveyr night while sitting around. do situps, crunches, pushups, maybe some certain kinds of stretches, look online for stomach workouts and stuff. the internet is easy to find anything bud just look for it.

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ok this is what I do. and I know where I am failing. I try to do each of these every day. I don't count how many I do, I just do them until I physically can't. I do these before I go to bed to burn off what energy I have left from food that day and so I don't feel sore all day.


1st: crunches (knees perpendicular to naval)

works top of abs


2nd: leg lifts (i lay accross my bed, hold wieghts over my head in hands and let my legs droop down over opposite side. Get a more full range of motion)

Works lower packs from bottom up


3rd: sit-ups with legs extended and raised about 20°

Works lower packs from top down


4th: Side to side crunching (crunchs but cross over)

Feel a little burn on the lats



NOW, all this and I have killer top abs. however, lower 4 don't show. I have too much body fat. I can feel some bitchin ab muscle underneath, but I need to go lose body fat. Im just not one thats able to be active (2 hernias prevent long term leg muscle usage)

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Try some of these:


Basic crunches for abdominal muscles: Lie on the floor with hands behind your head, elbows flared out and knees bent with feet on floor. Press the lower back to the floor. Contract abdominal muscles, using the muscles to pull shoulders upward toward the ceiling. Lower your body. Repeat up to 15 times.

Diagonal crunches -- Lie on the floor with hands behind your head, elbows flared out and knees bent with feet on floor. Place the left ankle over the right knee. Raise and slightly twist to bring right shoulder toward left knee. Do not move elbows. Lower and repeat. Repeat up to 15 times and then switch sides.

Work for transverse abdominis (works lower abdominals) -- Place hands under buttocks, with back pressed against the floor. Lift legs about 10 inches off of the floor. Do small scissor-kicks slowly. This exercise may be more difficult. Beginners should do fewer repetitions. Those with back problems should lift legs higher to ensure back stays on the floor. You may replace this exercise with a pelvic tilt.

To perform a pelvic tilt -- Lie on the floor, knees bent, back flat. Slowly tuck buttocks up and contract. Release. Repeat up to 15 times.



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Here are some more ab excercises:


V-Ups: Basically a situp but rais your legs into the air as well, try to touch your ankles with your hands when doing these (it is hard to balance when doing these)


Reverse crunches: Lie flat n the floor and do a crunch as described above EXCEPT instead of raising your upper body off the floor, you raise your legs. Keep your arms on the floor to help balance


Personally I do ab excercises every other day to allow my muscles to rest in between, if you do then every day, the muscles dont get much time to recuperate and can end up being sore. But it is all based on the individual.


I would do the excercises in sets of 10, 15 or 20 bepending on what you can manage. Do a few sets of each excercise.

I reccoment experimenting to find out what you can do and then you can work out programme from that.



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All of these exercizes are excellent. However, there are a few KEY components missing from all of them.

1) The MOST important aspect of getting great abs is your eating habits. You can situp all you want, but if you aren't eating right, then your abs will be hidden under a layer of fat. Most people dont know this, but most of us have sufficiently sized abdominals already. This is due to the fact that our abs are stabilizer muscles, meaning that we use them constantly, and thereforeeee they are in good shape. The reason we do situps is to make the muscles big enough so that their mass protrudes past the layer of fat to give that ripped appearance. Here are some good eating tips...

-Go soft on the carbohydrates. this means no pasta everyday...etc

-dont eat a meal after 7 pm, ever! This is hard, for some with night jobs...but it is a must because our body stores most of this into fat when we sleep.

-Lay off the junkfood...there are plenty of good-tasting non-fat snacks out there, and fruits taste yummy too

-stay away from 3 huge meals...this turns more of your food into stored energy (fat) rather than current energy....try to go to 5 smaller meals a day

2) CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO...do lots of running, jump-roping, and stairs and that fat will be GONE...good luck 8)

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odysseus77 has the right idea. All of these exercises will make the muscles stronger, but they won't make them any more visible. You naturally have abs, the only thing to make them visible is to lose some of the fat covering them. This is one of the hardest places to get rid of fat, but it is of course possible. It just takes some determination.


Also, when doing ab workouts, don't do tons of reps. Really, any more than about 25-30 reps and you are just wasting energy. They will give you more endurance, but they won't do much for strengthening your abdominals. And when you perform ab exercises, concentrate on controlling the motion and going very slow. One good practice to follow (I'll use the sit-up as an example): you should take two seconds to complete the upward movement and four seconds to come back down. One more thing, while at the top of the motion (when you change direction), pause for about a half-second and flex the muscles you are working. Tighten them up. I can't exactly remember why this helps, but it has something to do with increasing the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscle. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

dude, u need from 7-10% body fat for ur abs to show... in addition to crunches and situps heres another... stand with a dumbell (10 lbs or so) in one hand with an overhand grip(like ur gona do hammers) and the other hand on ur hip and bend sideways to the side that your holding the weight (try not to bend your back forward, keep it straight) then come back up and do a set your comfortable with like that then switch sides so that the weight is in the other hand and repeat. also if u want ur abs to sho without flexing like i said u need from 7-10% bodyfat, to loose this all u gota do is burn more calories than u eat... running, swimming u kno that kinda stuff will burn a lot.

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