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how to help someone that is suicidal and anorexic?

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my girlfriend's friend, wants to kill herself, she has tried to slit her wrists and has said that if anything else goes wrong she will do it(i dont think she will do it b/c of one thing but who knows) she is 13 or 14 im not sure, she is very thin, but thinks she is fat, she is used to getting whatever she wants, she is very spoiled and also smart, i dont know her but i wnat to help my gf help her, her parents do not know that she is suicidal or anorexic, what can i do to help her?

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I think this is a very delicate situation to deal with. You do not want to get at her by giving out to her she needs people to be understanding and listen. I had a fiend who died after he committed suicide and it is the most terrible thing to happen. For those left behind tyour questions will never be answered. I would suggest your g/f go to hr parents in confidence and make sure her parents do not tell the friend that your g/f was there because this will push her away even further. She needs help and you are ao young to deal with this. I would go to her parents if they are approachabe and see what they suggest. If they are unapproachable I would then go to your school counsellor if you have one on xpert advice. This is such a serious situation that needs to be dealt with so carefully. She is lucky that at least you two have become aware and want to help her...that's a start.

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I disagree with the point above. My experience is that potential suiciders can and do talk about what they are thinking of doing. They may be scared and want someone to talk them out of it. But sometimes they go ahead and do it.


I don't think that the two of you can deal with this alone. You need to seek professional guidance, and involve her parents. She might not thank for you for it at the time, but I don't think that you have an option.


Best of luck.


G xx

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I agree with the previous post.

I've known people who have committed suicide and some talked about it, others didn't.

I've been very suicidal before myself and I know I did talk about because even though I was serious and was going to...I was still scared. I mean, it's not like I've died before and it's a big deal. So, that doesn't mean she just wants attention.

Actually..my ex asked me if I just wanted his attention and it ticked me off. It almost made me want to do it more just to prove that I wasn't just attention seeking.

Definitely let her parents know...and if you don't know how to tell them...let professionals do it. Plus, there's a teen suicide hotline. They can help. And if all else fails...call the cops. SERIOUSLY...they help.

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my girlfriend's friend, wants to kill herself, she has tried to slit her wrists and has said that if anything else goes wrong she will do it(i dont think she will do it b/c of one thing but who knows) she is 13 or 14 im not sure, she is very thin, but thinks she is fat, she is used to getting whatever she wants, she is very spoiled and also smart, i dont know her but i wnat to help my gf help her, her parents do not know that she is suicidal or anorexic, what can i do to help her?


teach her to look at life in a whole new way> show her all the good in her world and ask her if she was god why would she put her here?


ask her how could she kill the princess of god?


And he said unto them, "If a man told God that he wanted most of all to help the suffering world, no matter the price to himself, and God answered and told him what he must do, should the man do as he is told?"

"Of course Master !" cried the many. "It should be pleasure for him to suffer the tortures of hell itself, should God ask it!"

"No matter what those tortures, nor how difficult the task?"

"Honor to be hanged, glory to be nailed to a tree and buried if so be that God has asked," they said.

"And what would you do," the Master said unto the multitude, "if God spoke directly to your face and said, 'I command that you be happy in the world, as long as you live,' what would you do then?

Richard Bach Illusions

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my girlfriend's friend, wants to kill herself, she has tried to slit her wrists and has said that if anything else goes wrong she will do it(i dont think she will do it b/c of one thing but who knows) she is 13 or 14 im not sure, she is very thin, but thinks she is fat, she is used to getting whatever she wants, she is very spoiled and also smart, i dont know her but i wnat to help my gf help her, her parents do not know that she is suicidal or anorexic, what can i do to help her?


tell her about the forum


tell her we love her


tell her she is not alone


and that she can find her way back on the path of love light and wisdom


rise like the pheionx from the ashes of your ego.

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I agree with the previous post.

I've known people who have committed suicide and some talked about it, others didn't.

I've been very suicidal before myself and I know I did talk about because even though I was serious and was going to...I was still scared. I mean, it's not like I've died before and it's a big deal. So, that doesn't mean she just wants attention.

Actually..my ex asked me if I just wanted his attention and it ticked me off. It almost made me want to do it more just to prove that I wasn't just attention seeking.

Definitely let her parents know...and if you don't know how to tell them...let professionals do it. Plus, there's a teen suicide hotline. They can help. And if all else fails...call the cops. SERIOUSLY...they help.


like souol searching with sunglasses on you nly see part of the truth so take of the sunglasses and see like on a clear day. pm dawn is awsome.


have a blessed day

much love

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