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I'm in so much pain over HER.

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I wrote about this girl in my last post. and my pain is only growing. I love her more and more. Sometimes i see other couples kissing in public and it hurts , i think about her and hang my head and i have to stop myself from crying. Idream of her every night (*clean) I see her every day in school and she is so beautiful. I'v only told 1 person, my best friend and he says i have a huge crush, I think he is wrong. I'M IN LOVE WITHE HER. Every day i write a poem about her or for her but i never give them to her and i never let n e 1 see them. I'm only 13 and i know I love her do u think i'm too young to make that decision.

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I don't think you are too young. the feeling of attraction (non sexual way) between two person usually starts at this age or maybe a bit older.I am 20 now. I had my first serious realtioship when I was 16. and since I didn't meet the right girl just until last week. and I having a tough time controlling my feelings for her. anyway do you think you are attracted to her physically or you really wanna be with her for who she is. if that is the case then you re in the right track. my Advice to you is if you are comfortable talking to her showe her these poems that you wrote she will be surprised and happy seeing that a guy like you (if she is as mature as you are "mentally" writing is ver effective and i think I need to do the same thing too! 8) good luck

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You sound exactly like me when I was 13. She was the ideal girl: smart, absolutely beautiful, carried her own weight, lead her own life.

I went back and read all my poetry and journal entries when I was going through that crush. I sounded like a complete TOOL. Saying that I'd love her forever, that she was perfect for me.

My problem though, is that I never acted on those feelings. I kept this unhealthy crush till the later years of high school, and we didn't even go to the same HS.

The fact is, now I'm in college, I rarely ever think of her, and when I do, it's only in wonderment, of whether anything would've happened if I had the courage and confidence to ask her out all those years ago.


Lessons learned: Crushes don't last forever. Seize the opportunity to just ask, or you will be left wondering till eternity.

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this is the post that made me join this forum,anyways dude.Im only 16 and i know how your feeling,I say you tell her.Youll always regret this in the future.I told the girl i love how i feel,i didnt say love,well i did,but i dont think she heard,i think she heard like.Were like best friends now,and im always here for her.Her boyfriend always walks off on her,and i follow her and check if shes ok.Im always having a good time with her when its just me and her.I comfort her and everything,she told me when i first asked her that she didnt feel the same.I dont know what to do either,its so hard.The way i look at it is,i at least know she cares about me since i told her weve become closer.I dont regret telling her,its good that she knows.So yeah just tell her and show her your poems,make her know you care.Make it seem has if shes the greatest thing in the world,show her a good time,and be the best person you can with her.Shell love you after,if even has a friend,shell love you.At least youll get a few hugs if you dont become her boyfriend.If you do,then your problem is solved.

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I wrote about this girl in my last post. and my pain is only growing. I love her more and more. Sometimes i see other couples kissing in public and it hurts , i think about her and hang my head and i have to stop myself from crying. Idream of her every night (*clean) I see her every day in school and she is so beautiful. I'v only told 1 person, my best friend and he says i have a huge crush, I think he is wrong. I'M IN LOVE WITHE HER. Every day i write a poem about her or for her but i never give them to her and i never let n e 1 see them. I'm only 13 and i know I love her do u think i'm too young to make that decision.
That was oddly spicific Im having the same problem and i feel your pain im 13 too
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I wrote about this girl in my last post. and my pain is only growing. I love her more and more. Sometimes i see other couples kissing in public and it hurts , i think about her and hang my head and i have to stop myself from crying. Idream of her every night (*clean) I see her every day in school and she is so beautiful. I'v only told 1 person, my best friend and he says i have a huge crush, I think he is wrong. I'M IN LOVE WITHE HER. Every day i write a poem about her or for her but i never give them to her and i never let n e 1 see them. I'm only 13 and i know I love her do u think i'm too young to make that decision.
That was oddly spicific Im having the same problem and i feel your pain im 13 too
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