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Confirmation of reciprocation/Help on making the move

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Hey everyone.


Ok, there's this once-a-week extracurricular class that I take, at which I've met a girl whom I've grown to like a lot. She's sort of the shy type. I'm trying to interpret the signals she's given me, so please tell me your thoughts.


It was her who first initiated contact with me. Since then, we've spent a lot of time together talking and stuff. In the past, she's arbitrarily gone out of her way to be near me, and she's given me a couple of random smiles. There's been some physical contact between us, but nothing huge; just pats on the shoulder or arm or chest. That was first initiated by me -- one time I was sitting next to her and I patted her knee as I got up. She responded with a smile and a pat on the arm. In recent weeks, we usually hug when parting after the class.


So... about me. Though I'm kind of quiet, I have a lot of confidence in myself. Numerous girls that I know have called me good-looking or handsome, or even hot. For some reason, though, I have some kind of phobic reaction to the thought of revealing my feelings for a girl. The last time I saw the girl in question, I planned to tell her how I felt and ask her out, but my body just wouldn't obey my mind. Any tips or strategies for this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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hey stay cool.." inhale exhale"

ask urself why u have a problem revealin or showin emotion?

once u get that answer its up to u..ask her if shed like to join u at somewhere yall can talk..like starbucks or an ice cream parler..those are good places to get to k now eachother.. ever meniture golf lol


are u scared that if u say ur feelings , that shes got more control?

a lot of guys like being in control..is she one of those girls thats not in the incrowd like u? or are u just a lil timid? if so itll go away once yall get to know eachother better. and i dont mean sleeping together lol..

well anyways i think u should follow ur heart on this one..


she mos def likes u..a girl wont just touch a guy for no reason..by her body language its pretty crystal clear that she has a crush on u..

when yall hug next time ask her where her class is and go a lil out of the way for her too..girls love that..then she will of course start rambin on about u to a few friends.


Showing your feelings is hard for a lot of people and if ur not ready yet..dont pressure urself. yall mos def needa get to know eachother better. then u will be more comfortable and it will come easier to show that u have these "feelings".


good luck..hope i helped u out some..u can pm me netime if u need more advice..



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